

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:27

jquery Programming Glossary: checkifgamealreadystarted

Click source in JavaScript and jQuery, human or automated?


JS setInterval executes only once


only once I have the following JS functions function checkIfGameAlreadyStarted .get IsGameAlreadyStarted null function gameAlreadyStarted if.. br Waiting for game creator to start game.. setInterval checkIfGameAlreadyStarted 1000 Why does setInterval executes checkIfGameAlreadyStarted.. 1000 Why does setInterval executes checkIfGameAlreadyStarted only once and not every second javascript jquery share improve..

Click source in JavaScript and jQuery, human or automated?


JS setInterval executes only once


setInterval executes only once I have the following JS functions function checkIfGameAlreadyStarted .get IsGameAlreadyStarted null function gameAlreadyStarted if gameAlreadyStarted true window.location index.jsp content.. gameParam #waitingContainer .append You have joined the game br Waiting for game creator to start game.. setInterval checkIfGameAlreadyStarted 1000 Why does setInterval executes checkIfGameAlreadyStarted only once and not every second javascript jquery share.. Waiting for game creator to start game.. setInterval checkIfGameAlreadyStarted 1000 Why does setInterval executes checkIfGameAlreadyStarted only once and not every second javascript jquery share improve this question You are passing the result of executing..