

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:44

jquery Programming Glossary: currentquestion

I am stuck with the concept of fading in and out in jQuery


function var questions var counter var totalQuestions var currentQuestion 0 var i 0 totalQuestions #javapaperlist .val questions .questions.. .val questions .questions questions.hide questions.get currentQuestion .fadeIn 1000 '#next' .click function questions.get currentQuestion.. .fadeIn 1000 '#next' .click function questions.get currentQuestion .fadeIn 1000 questions.get currentQuestion .fadeOut 2000 currentQuestion..

I am stuck with the concept of fading in and out in jQuery


here...thanks... HERE IS THE CODE document .ready function var questions var counter var totalQuestions var currentQuestion 0 var i 0 totalQuestions #javapaperlist .val questions .questions questions.hide questions.get currentQuestion .fadeIn.. var currentQuestion 0 var i 0 totalQuestions #javapaperlist .val questions .questions questions.hide questions.get currentQuestion .fadeIn 1000 '#next' .click function questions.get currentQuestion .fadeIn 1000 questions.get currentQuestion .fadeOut.. questions .questions questions.hide questions.get currentQuestion .fadeIn 1000 '#next' .click function questions.get currentQuestion .fadeIn 1000 questions.get currentQuestion .fadeOut 2000 currentQuestion currentQuestion 1 questions.get currentQuestion..