

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:45

jquery Programming Glossary: cursorat

Using jQuery UI drag-and-drop: changing the dragged element on drop


can change it as follows to make it work function .elementbar div .draggable connectToSortable '.column' cursor 'move' cursorAt top 0 left 0 helper 'clone' revert 'invalid' .elementbar div .elementbar div img .disableSelection .column .sortable connectWith.. 'invalid' .elementbar div .elementbar div img .disableSelection .column .sortable connectWith '.column' cursor 'move' cursorAt top 0 left 0 placeholder 'ui sortable placeholder' tolerance 'pointer' stop function event ui if ui.item.hasClass elemtxt..

Create and access SVG tag with jQuery?


onto the canvas I need to move the 'item' onto the main canvas. '#testBtnDrag' .draggable opacity 0.7 revert 'invalid' cursorAt top 0 left 0 helper function event var dragSVG ' svg xmlns http www.w3.org 2000 svg width 20 height 20 rect x 0 y 0 width..

JqueryUI, drag elements into cells of a scrolling dropable div containing large table


problem. Here is my solution http jsfiddle.net QvRjL 134 ' id^ drag ' .each function this .draggable opacity 0.7 cursorAt top 15 left 50 appendTo 'body' containment 'body' scroll true helper function Hack to append the cartridge to the body..

Can't drop jquery ui helper on droppable


Why will this code not let me drop the helper onto the droppable region .product .draggable revert 'invalid' cursorAt top 12 left 20 helper function event return ' div class product_helper div ' .droppable .droppable accept '.product_helper'.. dropping a cloned helper http jsfiddle.net jKabn 1 Here's the related code .product .draggable revert 'invalid' cursorAt top 12 left 20 helper function event return ' div class helper Helper div ' .droppable .droppable drop function event ui..