

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:07

jquery Programming Glossary: edittype

Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1


width 70 align 'center' editable true formatter 'checkbox' edittype 'checkbox' editoptions value 'Yes No' defaultValue 'Yes' stype.. width 100 align 'center' editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value 'FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' defaultValue.. 'note' index 'note' width 60 sortable false editable true edittype 'textarea' rowNum 10 rowList 5 10 20 pager '#pager' gridview..

Setting the content-type of requests performed by jQuery jqGrid


inside of colModel for defining columns of the type edittype 'select' . The possible values of select option will be loaded..

jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


name 'Country' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value countries dataInit function elem.. name 'State' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value states onSelectRow function id if.. width 100 editable true formatter 'select' stype 'select' edittype 'select' searchoptions value allCountries dataInit function..

Linking from a column value in jqGrid to a new page using GET


the following as my colModel name 'job_id' index 'job_id' edittype 'select' formatter 'showlink' formatoptions baseLinkUrl 'job.php'.. colModel and additional JS name 'job_id' index 'job_id' edittype 'select' formatter 'showlink' formatoptions baseLinkUrl '#'..

jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add


'id_etp' width 90 align left sortable true editable true edittype select formatter 'select' editoptions value All 1 Stockist 2.. width 150 align left editable true search false edittype textarea editoptions rows 3 cols 30 name 'displayaddr_mdt'.. width 150 align left editable true search false edittype textarea editoptions rows 3 cols 30 name 'telephone_mdt' index..

Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid


editoptions dataUrl parameter is valid only for element of edittype select. The dataUrl parameter represent the url from where the.. name 'Country' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value countries dataInit function elem.. name 'State' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value states onSelectRow function id if..

jqgrid - upload a file in add/edit dialog


hidden true enctype multipart form data editable true edittype 'file' editrules edithidden true required true formoptions elmsuffix.. index 'customer_id' align 'left' editable true edittype 'file' editoptions enctype multipart form data width 210 align..

JQGrid: How can I refresh a dropdown after edit?


align center sortable true sorttype 'text' editable true edittype 'select' editrules required true editoptions value ownersList.. setting for the column in the colModel will be edittype 'select' editable true editoptions dataUrl ' MyWebService.asmx..

Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1


editable true align 'right' name 'closed' index 'closed' width 70 align 'center' editable true formatter 'checkbox' edittype 'checkbox' editoptions value 'Yes No' defaultValue 'Yes' stype 'select' searchoptions sopt 'eq' 'ne' value ' All true Yes.. ' All true Yes false No' name 'ship_via' index 'ship_via' width 100 align 'center' editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value 'FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' defaultValue 'Intime' stype 'select' searchoptions value ' All FE.. searchoptions value ' All FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' name 'note' index 'note' width 60 sortable false editable true edittype 'textarea' rowNum 10 rowList 5 10 20 pager '#pager' gridview true rownumbers true autoencode true ignoreCase true sortname..

Setting the content-type of requests performed by jQuery jqGrid


inside of editoptions or searchoptions . I use for example dataUrl inside of colModel for defining columns of the type edittype 'select' . The possible values of select option will be loaded from server for inline or form editing or inside of search..

jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


data mydata datatype 'local' colModel name 'Name' width 200 name 'Country' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value countries dataInit function elem var v elem .val to have short list of options which corresponds.. 'id' select# rowId _State row 0 .html newOptions name 'State' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value states onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel if lastSel 1 resetStatesValues grid.restoreRow.. colModel name 'name' width 200 editable true name 'country' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' stype 'select' edittype 'select' searchoptions value allCountries dataInit function elem removeAllOption elem dataEvents type 'change' fn function..

Linking from a column value in jqGrid to a new page using GET


job_id value that they clicked on I started by trying to use the following as my colModel name 'job_id' index 'job_id' edittype 'select' formatter 'showlink' formatoptions baseLinkUrl 'job.php' width 50 align 'center' But what this results in is a.. version of this software who suggested using the following colModel and additional JS name 'job_id' index 'job_id' edittype 'select' formatter 'showlink' formatoptions baseLinkUrl '#' width 50 align 'center' loadComplete function var myGrid #home_list..

jqgrid recreateform width setting, only working for edit, not for add


edithidden false editoptions size 20 name 'id_etp' index 'id_etp' width 90 align left sortable true editable true edittype select formatter 'select' editoptions value All 1 Stockist 2 Orchid Day search true stype 'select' sopt 'eq' searchoptions.. true stype 'text' sopt 'cn' name 'geoaddr_mdt' index 'geoaddr_mdt' width 150 align left editable true search false edittype textarea editoptions rows 3 cols 30 name 'displayaddr_mdt' index 'displayaddr_mdt' width 150 align left editable true search.. rows 3 cols 30 name 'displayaddr_mdt' index 'displayaddr_mdt' width 150 align left editable true search false edittype textarea editoptions rows 3 cols 30 name 'telephone_mdt' index 'telephone_mdt' width 80 align left editable true search..

Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid


it says Setting the editoptions dataUrl parameter The editoptions dataUrl parameter is valid only for element of edittype select. The dataUrl parameter represent the url from where the html select element should be get. When this option is set.. data mydata datatype 'local' colModel name 'Name' width 200 name 'Country' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value countries dataInit function elem var v elem .val to have short list of options which corresponds.. row.attr 'id' _State row 0 .html newOptions name 'State' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value states onSelectRow function id if id id lastSel if lastSel 1 resetStatesValues grid.jqGrid..

jqgrid - upload a file in add/edit dialog


records to a jqgrid This is my code name 'File' index 'file' hidden true enctype multipart form data editable true edittype 'file' editrules edithidden true required true formoptions elmsuffix ' ' However the field I got in controller always be.. my colModel column for file upload name 'fileToUpload' index 'customer_id' align 'left' editable true edittype 'file' editoptions enctype multipart form data width 210 align 'center' formatter jgImageFormatter search false You have..

JQGrid: How can I refresh a dropdown after edit?


for colModel name 'OwnerEmail' index 'OwnerEmail' width 200 align center sortable true sorttype 'text' editable true edittype 'select' editrules required true editoptions value ownersList I populate the dropdown on select row that when I select a.. use HTTP POST which is default for ASMX web services. The corresponding setting for the column in the colModel will be edittype 'select' editable true editoptions dataUrl ' MyWebService.asmx GetSelectData' buildSelect buildSelectFromJson where var..