

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:07

jquery Programming Glossary: ee

Accessing Expression Engine fetch_action_id function in a Module CP's view file


a script using AJAX in JQuery that takes an action_id from exp_actions as the destination URL for the method I need to execute in my mcp file. The reference is made statically. Can the ACT value be found by making a PHP call in the view.. function 'form' .change function e var data this .serializeArray console.log data .post echo'http ourwebsite.com ee admin.php ACT 44 id 4 ' data function console.log this Thanks in advance php javascript jquery ajax expressionengine..

send parameter to Java Server Pages (JSP) using jQuery


parameter to JSP in jQuery Because jQuery is client side and JSP is server side. Update me java jquery jsp java ee servlets share improve this question You can make an ajax request passing parameters For example .ajax type POST url..

jqGrid multiselect is very slow with large local data and jQueryUI 1.8, jQueryUI 1.7 is fine


then loading from there. For this one use case it is necessary that we have a large amount of data visible on the screen at once. which involves 300~500 records with 30 columns on each row. Paging for this case is not a good fit. The user needs.. at once. which involves 300~500 records with 30 columns on each row. Paging for this case is not a good fit. The user needs to be able to scan the mass amount of data select 40~60 rows and then move off to another screen. I was unsure if this.. good fit. The user needs to be able to scan the mass amount of data select 40~60 rows and then move off to another screen. I was unsure if this would be a good fit in the begging for jqGrid but in prototyping everything worked plenty fast enough...

How to Save a file at client side using JavaScript?


What I want is I want the user completely unaware of the fact that something is being saved for future use or atleast keep it to minimum possible user clicks. How can I give the file name and location statically in window.open Thanks in advance.. obvious solution will be to use cookies. Since Cookies can be accidentally deleted due to user's browser settings. I need a way to persist the data till the network becomes available. It will be greater to have cross browser support. javascript.. the data till the network becomes available. It will be greater to have cross browser support. javascript jquery java ee share improve this question I want the values for cross browser support even if the user changes the browser he she..

how to check whether a port is open at client's network/firewall (solved)


is open at client's network firewall solved This is solved at last with timeout attribute of jQuery AJAX and JSONP . See my own answer Please see the updated part I have tried with applet too. And will not hesitate to accept your answer if you.. firewall solved This is solved at last with timeout attribute of jQuery AJAX and JSONP . See my own answer Please see the updated part I have tried with applet too. And will not hesitate to accept your answer if you can give a solution with.. scenario by disabling enabling both rules. This is my S.S.C.C.E . Now please help me java javascript jquery java ee jsonp share improve this question I don't think you understand the use cases for JSONP and it's not possible to test..

Return JSON from servlet


JSON from servlet I know this type question has been asked before but I can not get this working. It is a very basic request response test. browser sends hello from browser.. Eclipse IDE. Test 1. I start the server from Eclipse open Firefox enter http localhost 8080 myproject test.jsp I can see servlet receives message and browser receives response test passed. Test 2. server is still running at the Eclipse at Ubuntu.. class TestServlet public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet private static final long serialVersionUID 1L @see HttpServlet#HttpServlet public TestServlet super TODO Auto generated constructor stub @see HttpServlet#doGet HttpServletRequest..

Accessing Expression Engine fetch_action_id function in a Module CP's view file


reference is made statically. Can the ACT value be found by making a PHP call in the view in a way similar to aid this EE cp fetch_action_id 'Class_name' 'method_name' My page currently looks this way script type text javascript document .ready..

jQuery Autocompletion with Eclipse Juno Java EE


Autocompletion with Eclipse Juno Java EE I've read several DATED information on how to enable jQuery specially auto completion support for Eclipse. Either using..

Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns


Nunc vel sapien sed risus hendrerit egestas. Vivamus turpis arcu placerat eu congue vel commodo ut nisl. p p Java EE includes several API specifications such as JDBC RMI e mail JMS web services XML etc. and defines how to coordinate them... several API specifications such as JDBC RMI e mail JMS web services XML etc. and defines how to coordinate them. Java EE also features some specifications unique to Java EE for components. These include Enterprise JavaBeans Connectors servlets.. JMS web services XML etc. and defines how to coordinate them. Java EE also features some specifications unique to Java EE for components. These include Enterprise JavaBeans Connectors servlets portlets following the Java Portlet specification..