

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:45

jquery Programming Glossary: howdy

Very interesting jQuery load behavior, a bug or solution?


function '#test' .load 'test2.htm #content' function alert 'done loading ' script File #2 Test2.htm div id content howdy script type text javascript document .ready function alert 'hello #1' script SCRIPT type text javascript document .ready.. document .ready function alert 'hello #2' SCRIPT div Now when I run Test1.htm I get the following hello #2 alert howdy from test2.htm displays done loading alert As you can see the only difference is the script tag is in upper case for the.. states below the same thing happens if Test2.htm has the script outside the content I am loading. div id content howdy from test2.htm div script type text javascript document .ready function alert 'hello #1' script SCRIPT type text javascript..

How to get input type using jquery?


attribute and 'select' 0 .type returns the same for the first select if it exists. and 'select' 0 'select' 0 .type howdy will return the type if it exists or howdy if it does not. 'select' .prop 'type' returns the property of the first one in.. the same for the first select if it exists. and 'select' 0 'select' 0 .type howdy will return the type if it exists or howdy if it does not. 'select' .prop 'type' returns the property of the first one in the DOM if it exists or undefined if none..