

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:05:42

jquery Programming Glossary: navy

Twitter Bootstrap Datepicker within modal window


value 6 Under 9 White option option value 7 Under 9 Navy option option value 8 Under 13 Pennant South East option option.. id user_team_id_chzn_o_7 class active result style Under 9 Navy li li id user_team_id_chzn_o_8 class active result style Under..

Using Jquery Datatable with AngularJs


36.23 category Planes action x name 1928 British Royal Navy Airplane price 66.74 category Planes action x name 1980s..

jQuery find value then replace SRC


0 option value Kelly Green Kelly Green option option value Navy Navy option option value Olive Olive option option value Cocoa.. value Kelly Green Kelly Green option option value Navy Navy option option value Olive Olive option option value Cocoa Cocoa.. 0z kelly green medium.jpg Kelly Green option option value Navy data image 0z navy medium.jpg Navy option option value Olive..

Create nested UL lists from data object


Service url menu title Army url title Navy url title Air Force url title Marines url..

Twitter Bootstrap Datepicker within modal window


3 Metro 3 South option option value 5 Pennant E option option value 6 Under 9 White option option value 7 Under 9 Navy option option value 8 Under 13 Pennant South East option option value 9 Under 17 Pennant South East option option value.. class active result style Under 9 White li li id user_team_id_chzn_o_7 class active result style Under 9 Navy li li id user_team_id_chzn_o_8 class active result style Under 13 Pennant South East li li id user_team_id_chzn_o_9 class..

Using Jquery Datatable with AngularJs


Planes action x name 1900s Vintage Tri Plane price 36.23 category Planes action x name 1928 British Royal Navy Airplane price 66.74 category Planes action x name 1980s Black Hawk Helicopter price 77.27 category Planes action..

jQuery find value then replace SRC


class single option selector 0 id product variants option 0 option value Kelly Green Kelly Green option option value Navy Navy option option value Olive Olive option option value Cocoa Cocoa option select I'm trying to search an unordered list.. single option selector 0 id product variants option 0 option value Kelly Green Kelly Green option option value Navy Navy option option value Olive Olive option option value Cocoa Cocoa option select I'm trying to search an unordered list ul.. variants option 0 option value Kelly Green data image 0z kelly green medium.jpg Kelly Green option option value Navy data image 0z navy medium.jpg Navy option option value Olive data image 0z olive medium.jpg Olive option option value Cocoa..

Create nested UL lists from data object


Six url title Military Service menuCaption Military Service url menu title Army url title Navy url title Air Force url title Marines url title National Guard url title Coast Guard url..

Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary


aqua #00ffff black #000000 blue #0000ff fuchsia #ff00ff gray #808080 green #008000 lime #00ff00 maroon #800000 navy #000080 olive #808000 purple #800080 red #ff0000 silver #c0c0c0 teal #008080 white #ffffff yellow #ffff00 transparent null..

jQuery animate backgroundColor


144 lightgrey 211 211 211 lightpink 255 182 193 lightyellow 255 255 224 lime 0 255 0 magenta 255 0 255 maroon 128 0 0 navy 0 0 128 olive 128 128 0 orange 255 165 0 pink 255 192 203 purple 128 0 128 violet 128 0 128 red 255 0 0 silver 192 192 192..

jQuery find value then replace SRC


0 option value Kelly Green data image 0z kelly green medium.jpg Kelly Green option option value Navy data image 0z navy medium.jpg Navy option option value Olive data image 0z olive medium.jpg Olive option option value Cocoa data image 0z cocoa..

Jquery / JS bind “paste” event handler to input textbox


I need to do things everytime it changes I am having trouble doing it for mouse paste. Here is the code I have #attack navy unit.ID number .bind 'paste' function alert paste detected #attack max capacity .text getMaxCapacity the getMaxCapacity..

Is it possible to change text color based on background color using css?


improve this question Here is my solution thinking it through a different way Use a DIV with overflow hidden for the navy 'bar' that shows the rating scale. You then write out two sets of TEXT Inside the DIV bar overflow hidden it would be white..

How to scroll diagonally with jQuery or Javascript


bean. p div div CSS body height 1000px 1000 keyframes #wrapper width 100 height 100 position fixed border 2px solid navy overflow hidden #a position absolute background color #daf1d7 width 300px height 300px #b position absolute background color..