

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:07:06

jquery Programming Glossary: request.status

include jQuery into javascript and use it in imacros ?


1' .createInstance Components.interfaces.nsIXMLHttpRequest async false request.open 'GET' url async request.send if request.status 200 var message 'an error occurred while loading script at url ' url ' status ' request.status iimDisplay message return.. async request.send if request.status 200 var message 'an error occurred while loading script at url ' url ' status ' request.status iimDisplay message return false eval request.response return true load JQuery loadScriptFromURL 'http mysupersecret.blob.core.windows.net..

MVC Authentication and Antiforgery token with Durandal SPA template


function callback if callback return document .ajaxError function event request options if request.status 401 callback canLogin function return true login function userInfo navigateToUrl if this.canLogin return system.defer..

Jquery load() a html file which contains JavaScript


request.onreadystatechange function if request.readyState 4 request.onreadystatechange doNothing callback request request.status request.open 'GET' url true request.send null function doNothing script body onload load div id map style width 900px..

Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP


request.open GET url true request.onreadystatechange go request.send null function go if request.readyState 4 if request.status 200 var response request.responseText var list document.getElementById region for i list.length 1 i 0 i list.remove i..

How do I keep Firefox from prompting for username/password with HTTP Basic Auth with JQuery AJAX?


function req req.setRequestHeader 'Authorization' 'test password' error function request textStatus error if request.status 401 alert '401' return false If they are not allowed to access private at the moment they should see just the alert box...