

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:07:06

jquery Programming Glossary: require.config

performance / templating issues when using requirejs with JQuery, jQuery Mobile, Knockout and Sammy to build a structured app with External Templates


in the templates.. so to show the code... require page require.config jquery 'vendor jqm jquery_1.7_min' jqm 'vendor jqm jquery.mobile..

Require.js bug random Failed to load resource


the application works fine... My config is pretty simple require.config shim underscore exports '_' backbone deps 'underscore' 'jquery'.. Applies to single page apps of course. All in one file require.config snip require 'mymodule' function mymodule do stuff 2 Use an..

Using private jquery with RequireJS - issue after optimisation


private version of jquery as outlined in the documentation require.config Add this map config in addition to any baseUrl or paths config.. 3 Modified www js app.js to paste the map section so the require.config now looks like this requirejs.config baseUrl js lib paths app..

IBM Worklight 6.1 - Uncaught ReferenceErrors: WLJQ is not defined, WL is not defined


require require.js script head body body html My main.js require.config paths jquery 'libs jquery jquery min' underscore 'libs underscore..

Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts


configured correctly. Example appending v2 to all scripts require.config urlArgs bust v2 For development purposes you can force RequireJS..

performance / templating issues when using requirejs with JQuery, jQuery Mobile, Knockout and Sammy to build a structured app with External Templates


sammy to load in knockout viewModels. these viewModels the load in the templates.. so to show the code... require page require.config jquery 'vendor jqm jquery_1.7_min' jqm 'vendor jqm jquery.mobile 1.1.0' knockout 'vendor knockout knockout 2.2.0' sammy..

Require.js bug random Failed to load resource


from a wrong directory... I don't know why most of the time the application works fine... My config is pretty simple require.config shim underscore exports '_' backbone deps 'underscore' 'jquery' exports 'Backbone' animate_from_to deps 'jquery' bootstrap.. initiation and subsequent require's from your data main script Applies to single page apps of course. All in one file require.config snip require 'mymodule' function mymodule do stuff 2 Use an inline script right after the require.js script tag Instead..

Using private jquery with RequireJS - issue after optimisation


is namespaced and I'm specifying that each module use a private version of jquery as outlined in the documentation require.config Add this map config in addition to any baseUrl or paths config you may already have in the project. map ' ' means all modules.. content define 'jquery' function jq return jq.noConflict true 3 Modified www js app.js to paste the map section so the require.config now looks like this requirejs.config baseUrl js lib paths app .. app jquery ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 2.0.0 jquery.min..

IBM Worklight 6.1 - Uncaught ReferenceErrors: WLJQ is not defined, WL is not defined


WLJQ script script data main js main src js libs require require.js script head body body html My main.js require.config paths jquery 'libs jquery jquery min' underscore 'libs underscore underscore min' backbone 'libs backbone backbone min'..

Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts


Most useful to cache bust when the browser or server is not configured correctly. Example appending v2 to all scripts require.config urlArgs bust v2 For development purposes you can force RequireJS to bypass the cache by appending a timestamp require.config..