

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:04

jquery Programming Glossary: selectlistitem

How to validate a date using 3 dropdowns( day, month, year ) using jquery unobtrusive validation?


var years Enumerable.Range 0 150 .Select x new SelectListItem Value now.Year x .ToString Text now.Year x .ToString var months.. x .ToString var months Enumerable.Range 1 12 .Select x new SelectListItem Value x.ToString 00 Text x.ToString var days Enumerable.Range.. x.ToString var days Enumerable.Range 1 31 .Select x new SelectListItem Value x.ToString 00 Text x.ToString var result ViewData.ModelState..

Validate DropDown using Jquery in MVC3


public NewStreamViewModel this.Streams new List SelectListItem this.Subjects new List SelectListItem this.Languages new List.. new List SelectListItem this.Subjects new List SelectListItem this.Languages new List SelectListItem Display Name Language.. new List SelectListItem this.Languages new List SelectListItem Display Name Language Required ErrorMessage 0 is Required public..

jQuery returning “parsererror” for ajax request


@Html.DropDownList view List SelectListItem ViewBag.Views viewHtmls Javascript this.LoadViewContentNames..

Cascade or relate filters on jqGrid


model model.RecipeID Enumerable.Empty SelectListItem Select Recipe new @id recipeselector and use some jQuery to..

jQuery MultiSelect dropdownlist how to access results?


string SelectedValues get set public IEnumerable SelectListItem Items get return new new SelectListItem Value 1 Text item.. IEnumerable SelectListItem Items get return new new SelectListItem Value 1 Text item 1 new SelectListItem Value 2 Text item 2.. return new new SelectListItem Value 1 Text item 1 new SelectListItem Value 2 Text item 2 new SelectListItem Value 3 Text item 3..

AJAX and MVC (C#)


Html.DropDownList dropDownId new SelectList new List SelectListItem Html.DropDownList otherDropDownId new SelectList new List SelectListItem.. Html.DropDownList otherDropDownId new SelectList new List SelectListItem This is all very much off the top of my head so let me know..

Value is applied instead of label to textbox


@charlietfl Im sory im returning a json collection of SelectListItem from Asp.Mvc view the previous data sample was the result of..

How to validate a date using 3 dropdowns( day, month, year ) using jquery unobtrusive validation?


Shared EditorTemplates TrippleDDLDateTime.cshtml @ var now DateTime.Now var years Enumerable.Range 0 150 .Select x new SelectListItem Value now.Year x .ToString Text now.Year x .ToString var months Enumerable.Range 1 12 .Select x new SelectListItem Value.. new SelectListItem Value now.Year x .ToString Text now.Year x .ToString var months Enumerable.Range 1 12 .Select x new SelectListItem Value x.ToString 00 Text x.ToString var days Enumerable.Range 1 31 .Select x new SelectListItem Value x.ToString 00 Text.. 1 12 .Select x new SelectListItem Value x.ToString 00 Text x.ToString var days Enumerable.Range 1 31 .Select x new SelectListItem Value x.ToString 00 Text x.ToString var result ViewData.ModelState ViewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix if result null..

Validate DropDown using Jquery in MVC3


form particular DIV ViewModel public class NewStreamViewModel public NewStreamViewModel this.Streams new List SelectListItem this.Subjects new List SelectListItem this.Languages new List SelectListItem Display Name Language Required ErrorMessage.. class NewStreamViewModel public NewStreamViewModel this.Streams new List SelectListItem this.Subjects new List SelectListItem this.Languages new List SelectListItem Display Name Language Required ErrorMessage 0 is Required public int LanguageId.. this.Streams new List SelectListItem this.Subjects new List SelectListItem this.Languages new List SelectListItem Display Name Language Required ErrorMessage 0 is Required public int LanguageId get set Display Name Stream Required ErrorMessage..

jQuery returning “parsererror” for ajax request


data bind value ViewID viewHtmls.Add onchange javascript PageModel.LoadViewContentNames @Html.DropDownList view List SelectListItem ViewBag.Views viewHtmls Javascript this.LoadViewContentNames function .ajax url ' Admin Ajax GetViewContentNames' type 'POST'..

Cascade or relate filters on jqGrid


ID Name Select Ice Cream new @id icecreamselector @Html.DropDownListFor model model.RecipeID Enumerable.Empty SelectListItem Select Recipe new @id recipeselector and use some jQuery to fill in the recipe dropdown like this '#icecreamselector' .change..

jQuery MultiSelect dropdownlist how to access results?


by writing a view model public class MyViewModel public IEnumerable string SelectedValues get set public IEnumerable SelectListItem Items get return new new SelectListItem Value 1 Text item 1 new SelectListItem Value 2 Text item 2 new SelectListItem.. public IEnumerable string SelectedValues get set public IEnumerable SelectListItem Items get return new new SelectListItem Value 1 Text item 1 new SelectListItem Value 2 Text item 2 new SelectListItem Value 3 Text item 3 then a controller.. get set public IEnumerable SelectListItem Items get return new new SelectListItem Value 1 Text item 1 new SelectListItem Value 2 Text item 2 new SelectListItem Value 3 Text item 3 then a controller public class HomeController Controller public..

AJAX and MVC (C#)


.append option value item.Value item.Text option script Html.DropDownList dropDownId new SelectList new List SelectListItem Html.DropDownList otherDropDownId new SelectList new List SelectListItem This is all very much off the top of my head so.. dropDownId new SelectList new List SelectListItem Html.DropDownList otherDropDownId new SelectList new List SelectListItem This is all very much off the top of my head so let me know if something needs to be clarified or corrected. Edit As noted..

Value is applied instead of label to textbox


is applied instead of label to textbox @charlietfl Im sory im returning a json collection of SelectListItem from Asp.Mvc view the previous data sample was the result of map operation the ajax return is Object Selected false Text..