

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:05

jquery Programming Glossary: seltext

Change CSS of selected text using Javascript


and it works fine returning the correct string function getSelText var SelText '' if window.getSelection SelText window.getSelection.. fine returning the correct string function getSelText var SelText '' if window.getSelection SelText window.getSelection else if.. function getSelText var SelText '' if window.getSelection SelText window.getSelection else if document.getSelection SelText document.getSelection..

Change CSS of selected text using Javascript


I'm using the following code to get the selected text and it works fine returning the correct string function getSelText var SelText '' if window.getSelection SelText window.getSelection else if document.getSelection SelText document.getSelection.. the following code to get the selected text and it works fine returning the correct string function getSelText var SelText '' if window.getSelection SelText window.getSelection else if document.getSelection SelText document.getSelection else if.. selected text and it works fine returning the correct string function getSelText var SelText '' if window.getSelection SelText window.getSelection else if document.getSelection SelText document.getSelection else if document.selection SelText document.selection.createRange..