

php Programming Glossary: aarray2

recursive array_diff()?


of array_diff . function arrayRecursiveDiff aArray1 aArray2 aReturn array foreach aArray1 as mKey mValue if array_key_exists.. foreach aArray1 as mKey mValue if array_key_exists mKey aArray2 if is_array mValue aRecursiveDiff arrayRecursiveDiff mValue.. is_array mValue aRecursiveDiff arrayRecursiveDiff mValue aArray2 mKey if count aRecursiveDiff aReturn mKey aRecursiveDiff else..

Show the differences between 2 xml files (with php)


return true public function arrayRecursiveDiff aArray1 aArray2 aReturn array foreach aArray1 as mKey mValue if array_key_exists.. foreach aArray1 as mKey mValue if array_key_exists mKey aArray2 if is_array mValue aRecursiveDiff this arrayRecursiveDiff.. mValue aRecursiveDiff this arrayRecursiveDiff mValue aArray2 mKey if count aRecursiveDiff aReturn mKey aRecursiveDiff else..