

php Programming Glossary: abc.com

Implementing cross domain communication between sites through CORS using PHP and Javascript


comma as shown Header set Access Control Allow Origin http abc.com http def.com http ghi.com Please comment in case you face some..

Mark text in HTML


so it should mark when it's bla b bla b or a href http abc.com bla a bla . It should be incase sensitive and support long text..

Change single variable value in querystring [closed]


in querystring closed I am given a page url like 'http abc.com test.php a 1 b 2 c 3' . Now I have been told to change the value.. to change the value of b to 5 so that it becomes 'http abc.com test.php a 1 b 5 c 3' . i.e change from http abc.com test.php.. 'http abc.com test.php a 1 b 5 c 3' . i.e change from http abc.com test.php a 1 b 2 c 3 to http abc.com test.php a 1 b 5 c 3 Note..

Session Share Across Multiple Domains On Same Server


custom php session handler. ie domain name different like abc.com xyz.com but single application. But after i tried it even custom..