

php Programming Glossary: add_filter

Need help with wp_rewrite in a WordPress Plugin


array & MyPluginCode 'template_redirect_intercept' add_filter 'query_vars' array & MyPluginCode 'add_query_vars' php wordpress.. Write rules Add query vars Recalculate rewrite rules add_filter 'rewrite_rules_array' array MyPluginCode 'create_rewrite_rules'.. array MyPluginCode 'create_rewrite_rules' add_filter 'query_vars' array MyPluginCode 'add_query_vars' Recalculates..

What does the & sign mean in PHP? [duplicate]


'wp_head' array dl_pluginSeries 'addHeaderCode' 1 Filters add_filter 'the_content' array dl_pluginSeries 'addContent' php share..

How to integrate Wordpress into Kohana 3


remove_filter 'template_redirect' 'redirect_canonical' add_filter 'template_redirect' 'Application redirect_canonical' where Application..

How to set character limit on the_content() and the_excerpt() in wordpress


a file called functions.php and add the following in php add_filter the_content plugin_myContentFilter function plugin_myContentFilter.. filter functions. You can also do the same for the_exercpt add_filter and then a function to be used as a callback. See the Wordpress..

Wordpress Custom URL Rewrites


rules in wordpress but it always displays the index page add_filter 'rewrite_rules_array' 'wp_insertMyRewriteRules' add_filter 'query_vars'.. add_filter 'rewrite_rules_array' 'wp_insertMyRewriteRules' add_filter 'query_vars' 'wp_insertMyRewriteQueryVars' add_filter 'init'.. add_filter 'query_vars' 'wp_insertMyRewriteQueryVars' add_filter 'init' 'flushRules' Remember to flush_rules when adding rules..

How to add custom javascript to WordPress Admin?


Multiple excerpt lengths in wordpress


function twentyten_excerpt_length length return 15 add_filter 'excerpt_length' 'twentyten_excerpt_length' What I want to know..

How to sort a 'query_posts' function by custom field, while limiting posts by another custom field


'ASC' var orderby_meta_key function __construct args array add_filter 'posts_join' array this 'posts_join' 10 2 add_filter 'posts_orderby'.. array add_filter 'posts_join' array this 'posts_join' 10 2 add_filter 'posts_orderby' array this 'posts_orderby' 10 2 this posts_ordered_by_meta..