

php Programming Glossary: api_key

Upload image with facebook API


utils.php include_once bemyfans.php facebook new Facebook api_key app_secret facebook require_frame user facebook require_login.. echo p Hello fb name useyou 'false' uid user p args array 'api_key' api_key 'call_id' microtime true 'v' '1.0' 'format' 'JSON'.. fb name useyou 'false' uid user p args array 'api_key' api_key 'call_id' microtime true 'v' '1.0' 'format' 'JSON' args 'Lenna.png'..

RSS XML Parsing issue (How to get media content value from the RSS feed?) [duplicate]


catalog.flownetworks.com catalogs 01 videos search.mrss api_key 206784cb3bed8f80c55054ac0de996f8e9f0bf8763 videoId video_product_id..

Reverse Geocoding With Google Map API And PHP To Get Nearest Location Using Lat,Long coordinates


response and pull out the address set your API key here api_key format this string with the appropriate latitude longitude url.. 73.961452 output json sensor true_or_false key ' . api_key make the HTTP request data @file_get_contents url parse the..

Authorizing a Facebook Fan Page for Status Updates


using this address http facebook.com authorize.php api_key MYAPPAPIKEY v 1.0 ext_perm publish_stream This code however.. url replacing 'MYAPIKEY' http www.facebook.com login.php api_key MYAPIKEY connect_display popup v 1.0 next http www.facebook.com.. http www.facebook.com connect prompt_permissions.php api_key MYAPIKEY v 1.0 next http www.facebook.com connect login_success.html..

simplexml_load_file not working “php_network_getaddresses: failed: Name or service not known”


api.flickr.com services rest method flickr.photos.search api_key 9eb9f5e5fb72d6d2fed06cf4e64ba9bb media photos per_page 50 text.. api.flickr.com services rest method flickr.photos.search api_key 9eb9f5e5fb72d6d2fed06cf4e64ba9bb media photos per_page 50 text.. api.flickr.com services rest method flickr.photos.search api_key .self API_KEY. media photos per_page .self MAX_RESULTS_RETURNED..

simplexml_load_file not working “php_network_getaddresses: failed: Name or service not known”


on line 17 php class GetImagesFlickr const API_KEY Flickr api key const MAX_RESULTS_RETURNED 50 Max results returned.. services rest method flickr.photos.search api_key .self API_KEY. media photos per_page .self MAX_RESULTS_RETURNED public function..

I don't get prices with Amazon Product Advertising API


onca xml params array 'AWSAccessKeyId' self API_KEY 'AssociateTag' self API_ASSOCIATE_TAG 'Version' 2010 11 01 'Operation'.. parameter of All params array 'AWSAccessKeyId' self API_KEY 'AssociateTag' self API_ASSOCIATE_TAG 'Version' 2010 11 01 'Operation'..

Passing api keys to rest api


do sig hash_hmac sha256 params 'email' . params 'userid' API_KEY Then add that sig onto the REST url as mentioned above. share..