

php Programming Glossary: apis

GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging)


to send a GCM Generate a Browser API Key from the Google APIs Console and use it instead of the server key in the Authorization.. written here Replace with real BROWSER API key from Google APIs apiKey 123456 Replace with real client registration IDs registrationIDs..

When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks?


statement's placeholders must be quoted. The most popular APIs available in PHP PDO and MySQLi expect unquoted placeholders.. expect unquoted placeholders as do most prepared statement APIs in other languages PDO example with named parameters unquoted..

Shortcomings of mysql_real_escape_string?


it is harder to apply correctly than other more modern APIs especially prepared statements. mysql_real_escape_string is..

Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?


using the dated mysql_ functions. Contemporary database APIs are just easier to use. It's mostly the bound parameters which..

Yahoo Weather API WOEID retrieval


seems overcomplicated... If not are there any alternative APIs that would make this easier on me Thanks php api yahoo weather..

How to make Ruby AES-256-CBC and PHP MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 play well together


the longer block size. Clearly I'm misunderstanding the APIs. Help php ruby openssl mcrypt aes share improve this question..

SMS Application [closed]


a lot simpler to go via an aggregator they'll supply APIs. Alternatively just plug a GSM modem into your server most modern..

Reading and Writing Configuration Files


Consider using CSV Ini XML or YAML and use appropriate APIs to read and write them. Another alternative would be to store..

How do you implement a good profanity filter? [closed]


of swear words in various languages and dialects Are there APIs available to sources that contain good lists Or maybe an API..

Attach image to Facebook event (php sdk, rest or graph api) [duplicate]


been able to create events though both the Graph and Rest APIs without images but have been unable to attach any images. I..

PHP APIs for Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo? [closed]


APIs for Hotmail Gmail and Yahoo closed I am a PHP developer who..

How to protect html form from spammers?


In order to be legal and integrate with bots through APIs the human solvers can not directly interact with cracked web..

is there a good PHP geolocation service? [closed]


There are IP to nation and IP to location databases and APIs which you can download to help with this. Some are free but.. IP ranges are often re allocated. The browser level APIs work by having the browser scan the area for Wi Fi access points...

Difference between Javascript and PHP [closed]


the document to display a message. You also have access to APIs provided by the browser such as the alert method which will..

Parsing Huge XML Files in PHP


dmoz share improve this question There's only two php APIs that's really suited for processing such large files. The first..

Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication?


It seems that despite ambiguous documentation most Google APIs do not support service accounts yet including Google Analytics...

php picasa api show large image


dialogs involved in development against any of the gdata apis including picasa ... playground here is the playground request..

Example usage of AX in PHP OpenID


Create attribute request object See http code.google.com apis accounts docs OpenID.html#Parameters for parameters Usage make..

How to use the Google SpreadSheets API to feed data to an application?


which I cannot use. See this page http code.google.com apis spreadsheets docs 1.0 developers 5Fguide 5Fphp.html Does anybody.. this question Google is your friend http code.google.com apis gdata articles php 5Fclient 5Flib.html http sim.plified.com..

Check if Youtube and Vimeo-clips are valid


can do simple trick. check this link http code.google.com apis youtube developers_guide_php.html#RetrievingVideoEntry to check..

YouTube Data API limits?


for example the search query methods http code.google.com apis youtube 2.0 reference.html#Searching_for_videos php api youtube..

Parse A Steet Address into components


information about a given address. http code.google.com apis maps documentation services.html#Geocoding 5FStructured share..

What should every PHP programmer know?


www.php.net manual en http dev.mysql.com doc refman 5.0 en apis php.html Frameworks Make sure it's an MVC framework http www.cakephp.org..

simple php SoapClient example for paypal needed


http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns ns2 urn ebay apis eBLBaseComponents SOAP ENV Header ns1 RequesterCredentials .. xmlns urn ebay api PayPalAPI gt Credentials xmlns urn ebay apis eBLBaseComponents gt Username api_username Username Password.. gt specific_api_name_Request Version xmlns urn ebay apis eBLBaseComponents gt service_version Version required_or_optional_fields..

How import contact from yahoo/gmail/hotmail using php script


social contacts gmail http code.google.com apis contacts hotmail http msdn.microsoft.com en us library bb447750.aspx..

Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers?


but externally hosted solution with javascript and rest apis Anyopenid a free solution for clients commercial for websites..

import user contacts form google, yahoo, and AOL in php


access the contacts data through APIs http code.google.com apis contacts http developer.yahoo.com social contacts AOL does not..

Geographical coordinates to street names


function in the Google Maps API http code.google.com apis maps documentation geocoding #ReverseGeocoding Here's some example.. code lat 38.115583 long 13.37579 url http maps.googleapis.com maps api geocode json latlng lat long sensor false curl..

How can I get the Latitude and Longitude of a ZIP Code?


How to use OAuth with Google Calendar to access only ONE calendar?


the classes folders from this page http code.google.com apis calendar v3 using.html#setup and added the proper scripts on..

Parsing Huge XML Files in PHP


api and the second is the newer XMLreader functions. These apis read continous streams rather than loading the entire tree into..