

php Programming Glossary: app_id

Facebook php post to fan page with cronjob?


docs howtos login server side login session_start app_id xxxxxxxxxxxxxx app_secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx my_url www.stackoverflow.com.. dialog_url https www.facebook.com dialog oauth client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url . state . _SESSION 'state'.. https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token . client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url . client_secret . app_secret..

Facebook XMPP Chat API send Message PHP


'nonce' 'access_token' access_token 'api_key' options 'app_id' 'call_id' 0 'v' '1.0' creates signature response http_build_query.. with xmpp_login permission function get_access_token app_id app_secret my_url code _REQUEST code if empty code dialog_url.. dialog oauth scope xmpp_login . client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url echo script top.location.href..

Facebook graph API - OAuth Token


oauth access_token type client_cred client_id app_id client_secret app secret ' This returns a token with a string..

Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API


insufficient_scope #200 This API call requires a valid app_id. Set Cookie datr g4JBTb4OsRZxBAztV7iIkpWg expires Sat 26 Jan.. OAuthException message #200 This API call requires a valid app_id. EDIT SO THAT SOMEONE MAY FIND USEFUL FACEBOOK CONNECTION facebook_connect..

passing custom parameters to facebook fan page tab


you would retrieve it using PHP php require 'facebook.php' app_id YOUR APP ID HERE app_secret YOUR SECRET KEY HERE facebook new.. YOUR SECRET KEY HERE facebook new Facebook array 'appId' app_id 'secret' app_secret 'cookie' true THE MAGIC SAUCE signed_request..

need help on posting on user wall


my application with OFFLINE_ACCESS AND publish_stram php app_id XXXXXXXXXX app_secret XXXXXXX canvas_page http apps.facebook.com.. auth_url http www.facebook.com dialog oauth client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode canvas_page . scope read_stream publish_stream..

Generating Facebook Open Graph meta tags dynamically


html charset UTF 8 Open Graph meta tags meta property fb app_id content MY_APP_ID meta property og site_name content meta site..

Facebook cookie and oauth 2.0 changes


to enforce some changes. function get_facebook_cookie app_id ' MyAppID ' application_secret ' MyAppSecrect ' if isset _COOKIE.. ' MyAppSecrect ' if isset _COOKIE 'fbs_' . app_id args array parse_str trim _COOKIE 'fbs_' . app_id ' ' args ksort.. 'fbs_' . app_id args array parse_str trim _COOKIE 'fbs_' . app_id ' ' args ksort args payload '' foreach args as key value if..

Expiry Time of facebook access token


https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token client_id APP_ID client_secret APP_SECRET grant_type fb_exchange_token fb_exchange_token..

How to get Users Email Id in Facebook application using PHP?


initialize facebook facebook new Facebook array 'appId' APP_ID 'secret' APP_SECRET session facebook getSession if session try..

passing custom parameters to facebook fan page tab


passing like this http www.facebook.com pages page name sk APP_ID pass 1 but I'm unable to read the parameter pass Sreejith php..

Facebook PHP SDK getSession() fails to get session. Cookie problem?


'sig' return null return args cookie get_facebook_cookie APP_ID APP_SECRET me json_decode file_get_contents 'https graph.facebook.com.. else a href https www.facebook.com dialog oauth client_id APP_ID redirect_uri REDIRECT_URI img src http static.ak.fbcdn.net rsrc.php.. en_US all.js script script FB.init appId ' echo APP_ID ' status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login'..

Fb.UI Dialogs are displaying in Popups instead of an iframe


dialog oauth scope user_birthday email client_id . APP_ID . redirect_uri . urlencode FB_URL Has something changed today..