

php Programming Glossary: archives

Insert Backbone.js model into MySQL database


Lightweight PHP5 based template class/system


a new way to write php 294003943919 http toys.lerdorf.com archives 54 A quick look at XHP.html http wiki.github.com facebook xhp..

How to implement MVC from scratch in PHP? [closed]


article by Rasmus Lerdorf http toys.lerdorf.com archives 38 The no framework PHP MVC framework.html share improve this..

Domain-driven design with Zend


including this article http weierophinney.net matthew archives 202 Model Infrastructure.html and this question http stackoverflow.com..

Speeding up CakePHP


I most often refer to is here http www.pseudocoder.com archives 8 ways to speed up cakephp apps Which has great tips but there..

how to use php to include an image in a word file?


this question look here http www.tkachenko.com blog archives 000106.html w pict v shapetype id _x0000_t75 ... ... VML shape..

What function to use to hash passwords in MySQL?


PHP: Return all dates between two dates in an array


iDateFrom return aryRange source http boonedocks.net mike archives 137 Creating a Date Range Array with PHP.html share improve..

Where can I learn about PHP internals? [closed]


can sign up via php.net and or use Markmail to search the archives . The git repository for PHP is located on git.php.net but there..

No error when creating zip, but it doesn't get created


apache or php has not got permissions to create zip archives in that directory. From one of the comments on ZipArchice open..

How can I read a .tar.gz file with PHP?


someone recommend a good PHP library that can read file archives I found File_Archive on Pear but it hasn't been updated in a..

How to write a REST API?


web 20130910164802 http www.gen x design.com archives create a rest api with php and there is also a followup article.. web 20130323001500 http www.gen x design.com archives making restful requests in php with a link to source code at..

How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP?


dealing with global state in http sebastian bergmann.de archives 882 Testing Code That Uses Singletons.html This should be of..

If Singletons are bad then why is a Service Container good?


of PHPUnit explained it here http sebastian bergmann.de archives 882 Testing Code That Uses Singletons.html DI Singleton solves..

Create an encrypted zip archive with PHP


above all secure way to accomplish this I can create zip archives but I do not know how to encrypt them or how secure this is...

.rar, .zip files MIME Type


RAR archive But even WinRAR detects non RAR files as SFX archives rar.exe l somefile.srr SFX Volume somefile.srr share improve..

PHP and the goto statement to be added in PHP 5.3


leads to lazy programming. See http www.procata.com blog archives 2004 07 29 goto in php For a good commentary on the addition..

Error using PHP cURL with SSL certificates


file that was installed by default. These days the curl archives include no ca certs at all. You need to get them elsewhere...

Uncompress gzip compressed http response


gzip encoding. It's the decompression function for the .Z archives. The manual lists a few workarounds for the missing gzdecode..