

php Programming Glossary: application_path

How do I Access my Models using a Daemon in Zend Framework


backgroundJob execute Creating background script defined 'APPLICATION_PATH' define 'APPLICATION_PATH' realpath dirname __FILE__ . ' ..'.. background script defined 'APPLICATION_PATH' define 'APPLICATION_PATH' realpath dirname __FILE__ . ' ..' temp environment should be.. set_include_path implode PATH_SEPARATOR array realpath APPLICATION_PATH . ' .. library' get_include_path require_once 'Zend Application.php'..

Zend Framework 1.9 and Doctrine Integration


set_include_path implode PATH_SEPARATOR array realpath APPLICATION_PATH . ' .. library' realpath APPLICATION_PATH . ' models' realpath.. array realpath APPLICATION_PATH . ' .. library' realpath APPLICATION_PATH . ' models' realpath APPLICATION_PATH . ' models generated'.. .. library' realpath APPLICATION_PATH . ' models' realpath APPLICATION_PATH . ' models generated' get_include_path Save http pastie.org..

Making a large processing job smaller


ISO88591 compat true path to collection path APPLICATION_PATH . ' .. public Media Music ' Currently Approx 2000 files inner..

How to install Zend Framework on Windows


can edit the index.php file. It may define a PHP constant APPLICATION_PATH which is the location of the rest of your application code... location of the rest of your application code. php defined APPLICATION_PATH define APPLICATION_PATH realpath dirname __FILE__ . .. application.. your application code. php defined APPLICATION_PATH define APPLICATION_PATH realpath dirname __FILE__ . .. application That default definition..

Zend Framework: Autoloading a Class Library


function _initRegistry config new Zend_Config_Ini APPLICATION_PATH . ' configs application.ini' APPLICATION_ENV array 'allowModifications'..

How can I relax PHP's open_basedir restriction?


So here is the inclusion from Zend's bootstrap define 'APPLICATION_PATH' realpath dirname __FILE__ . ' .. zend application ' set_include_path.. __FILE__ . ' .. zend application ' set_include_path APPLICATION_PATH . ' .. zend library' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path php..

Running a Zend Framework action from command line


php Define path to application directory defined 'APPLICATION_PATH' define 'APPLICATION_PATH' realpath dirname __FILE__ . ' .... application directory defined 'APPLICATION_PATH' define 'APPLICATION_PATH' realpath dirname __FILE__ . ' .. application' Define application.. application new Zend_Application APPLICATION_ENV APPLICATION_PATH . ' configs config.php' only load resources we need for script..

How to Zend Framework with Propel ORM


other stuff includePaths propelRuntime zf const zf name APPLICATION_PATH .. library propel runtime propelRuntime includePaths propelConfig.. propelRuntime includePaths propelConfig zf const zf name APPLICATION_PATH configs propel runtime.php propelConfig other stuff production..

Zend_Cache: After loading cached data, character encoding seems messed up


TRUE 'lifetime' 86400 backendOptions array 'cache_dir' APPLICATION_PATH . configs cache 'cache_dir' sys_get_temp_dir cache Zend_Cache..

phpunit throws Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_Exception


E_STRICT Define path to application directory defined 'APPLICATION_PATH' define 'APPLICATION_PATH' realpath dirname __FILE__ . ' .... application directory defined 'APPLICATION_PATH' define 'APPLICATION_PATH' realpath dirname __FILE__ . ' .. .. application' Define application.. set_include_path implode PATH_SEPARATOR array realpath APPLICATION_PATH . ' .. library' get_include_path require_once 'Zend Loader Autoloader.php'..

my_config.ini vs my_config.php


0 phpSettings.display_errors 0 includePaths.library APPLICATION_PATH .. library bootstrap.path APPLICATION_PATH Bootstrap.php bootstrap.class.. APPLICATION_PATH .. library bootstrap.path APPLICATION_PATH Bootstrap.php bootstrap.class Bootstrap resources.frontController.controllerDirectory.. Bootstrap resources.frontController.controllerDirectory APPLICATION_PATH controllers resources.layout.layoutPath APPLICATION_PATH layouts..