

php Programming Glossary: arrresult

PHP URL Routing, kind of like Django


Passing user-defined types in PHP SOAP


name Me response title Hi World response lang En US arrResult array arrResult 'Result' response arrResult 'Result1' 'lol'.. title Hi World response lang En US arrResult array arrResult 'Result' response arrResult 'Result1' 'lol' return arrResult.. lang En US arrResult array arrResult 'Result' response arrResult 'Result1' 'lol' return arrResult Then just use a class map like..

Select variable number of random records from MySQL


this better while row mysql_fetch_array result MYSQL_NUM arrResult i row 0 mix them up shuffle arrResult take the first X number.. result MYSQL_NUM arrResult i row 0 mix them up shuffle arrResult take the first X number of results Can I do this better for.. I do this better for i 0 i intNumberofSites i arrOutput i arrResult i return arrOutput UPDATE QUESTION I know about the ORDER BY..