

php Programming Glossary: attribs

zend form custom attribute in select option?


string label label that is shown to the user @param array attribs additional attributes public function addOption value label.. attributes public function addOption value label '' attribs array value string value if empty label label string label else.. value this options value array 'value' value 'label' label attribs return this Put this into library Zend Form Element SelectAttribs.php...

How to insert HTML tags in Joomla! module title?


in HTML. function modChrome_myCustomModule module params attribs doc JFactory getDocument css .otherClass css . .yourClass doc..

Parsing Huge XML Files in PHP


startTag endTag public function startTag parser name attribs array_push this _stack this _current if name TOPIC count attribs.. array_push this _stack this _current if name TOPIC count attribs this _currentId attribs R ID if name LINK strpos this _currentId.. this _current if name TOPIC count attribs this _currentId attribs R ID if name LINK strpos this _currentId Top Home Consumer_Information..