

php Programming Glossary: begin

How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server


'myCanvas' var context canvas.getContext '2d' begin custom shape context.beginPath context.moveTo 170 80 context.bezierCurveTo.. context canvas.getContext '2d' begin custom shape context.beginPath context.moveTo 170 80 context.bezierCurveTo 130 100 130..

The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead


need to upgrade to PHP v5.5 at this time. You should begin planning to replace ext mysql with one of the other more modern..

Converting HTML to PDF (not PDF to HTML) using PHP


page 100 Waiting for redirect Outputting pages QPainter begin Returned false QPainter begin Returned false QPainter save Painter.. Outputting pages QPainter begin Returned false QPainter begin Returned false QPainter save Painter not active QPainter scale..

MVC For advanced developers [closed]


tutorial on Google for MVC. Google'm always give MVC for beginners. I understand what MVC is and I can make it but I'm not.. marked with php for easier identification. You cannot even begin to delve into MVC before you have comprehensive understanding.. which requires solid understanding. It is not meant for beginners or for tiny hello world applications. One uses MVC to add..

open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/) is not within the allowed path(s):


it before and nothing was changed recently for me to begin getting this error... Warning is_writable function.is writable..

PHP what is the best approach to using XML? Need to create and parse XML responses


parsers do not need to load the entire file into memory to begin parsing. See this article about what's new with XML in PHP5..

Invalid argument supplied for foreach()


PHP + MySQL transactions examples


looks like this semi pseudo code try First of all let's begin a transaction db beginTransaction A set of queries if one fails.. pseudo code try First of all let's begin a transaction db beginTransaction A set of queries if one fails an exception should.. have a couple of queries before the transaction before the begin and another couple of queries after the transaction after either..

I have 2 dates in PHP, how can I run a foreach loop to go through all of those days?


date share improve this question Requires PHP5.3 begin new DateTime '2010 05 01' end new DateTime '2010 05 10' interval.. createFromDateString '1 day' period new DatePeriod begin interval end foreach period as dt echo dt format l Y m d H i..

In PHP can someone explain cloning vs pointer reference?


PHP can someone explain cloning vs pointer reference To begin with I understand programming and objects but the following..

split keywords for post php mysql


delimiter # create procedure normalise_post_tags proc_main begin declare v_cursor_done tinyint unsigned default 0 watch out for..

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords


you're liable . To avoid that situation act paranoid to begin with. Attack your own software internally and attempt to steal..

MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one


before insert on threads for each row begin declare v_id int unsigned default 0 select next_thread_id 1..

What's the deal with a leading underscore in PHP class methods?


Architecture more suitable for web apps than MVC?


MVC it would require for you to have persistent Models to begin with. Additionally Model should inform View about the changes.. View. To explore this pattern I would recommend for you begin with this publication . It will explain it in detail. HMVC or..

removing password from rsa private key


Crypt_RSA rsa setPassword 'password' result rsa loadKey ' BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY Proc Type 4 ENCRYPTED DEK Info DES EDE3 CBC.. Here's my code php pkey openssl_pkey_get_private ' BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY Proc Type 4 ENCRYPTED DEK Info DES EDE3 CBC.. into this script out_key_file 'des3nopass.rsa' key EOS BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY Proc Type 4 ENCRYPTED DEK Info DES EDE3 CBC..

How can I use PHP to dynamically publish an ical file to be read by Google Calendar?


which will require some URL rewriting in the server . ical BEGIN VCALENDAR VERSION 2.0 PRODID hacksw handcal NONSGML v1.0 EN.. VERSION 2.0 PRODID hacksw handcal NONSGML v1.0 EN BEGIN VEVENT UID . md5 uniqid mt_rand true . @yourhost.test DTSTAMP..

Retrieving Multiple Result sets with stored procedure in php/mysqli


proc like create procedure multiples param1 INT param2 INT BEGIN SELECT FROM table1 WHERE id param1 SELECT FROM table2 WHERE..

Best practice: Import mySQL file in PHP; split queries


PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT name TEXT description TEXT BEGIN INSERT INTO test name description VALUES something for you mind.. KEY AUTOINCREMENT name TEXT description TEXT SUCCESS BEGIN SUCCESS INSERT INTO test name description VALUES something for..

How to write a stored procedure using phpmyadmin and how to use it through php?


the following change as necessary CREATE PROCEDURE sp_test BEGIN SELECT 'Number of records ' count from test END And make sure..

distance calculations in mysql queries


latB double LonB double RETURNS double DETERMINISTIC BEGIN SET @RlatA radians latA SET @RlonA radians lonA SET @RlatB radians..

Levenshtein: MySQL + PHP


s1 VARCHAR 255 s2 VARCHAR 255 RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE s1_len s2_len i j c c_temp cost INT DECLARE s1_char.. s1 VARCHAR 255 s2 VARCHAR 255 RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE s1_len s2_len max_len INT SET s1_len LENGTH s1 s2_len..

looping a SQL insert statement with dates


and aren't having any luck. DECLARE i_int BINARY_INTEGER 1 BEGIN WHILE i_int 30 LOOP INSERT INTO bs_events eventDate eventTime..

MySQL Insert into multiple tables? (Database normalization?)


in one MySQL command. You can however use transactions. BEGIN INSERT INTO users username password VALUES 'test' 'test' INSERT.. all statements in a transaction. That's why I used the BEGIN and COMMIT here. Comment again if you need more info share..

PHP array Encoding and Decoding:Need a function for encoding and decoding string or array with delimiters or array itself


ar explode this Pattern enc this ToEncode if this Bug echo BEGIN ENCODING n foreach ar as num ltr switch ltr case E enc base64_encode.. t this Encoded this ToDecode this Encoded if this Bug echo BEGIN DECODING n foreach ar as num ltr switch ltr case E t base64_encode..

mySQL Stored Function to create a slug


200 RETURNS varchar 200 CHARSET latin1 DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE x y z Int Declare temp_string new_string VarChar 200..

Store procedures in phpMyAdmin


like DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spFoo CREATE PROCEDURE spFoo BEGIN SELECT 'Foo' FROM DUAL END 5.In the delimiter field just below..

Transactions and PHP


insertion to tables in one SQL query. Rough idea php sql Begin Transaction insert into ............. insert into .............

Access parent's overriden method from parent's context in PHP


Draw echo DrawB parent InvokeDraw Drawing code ... echo Begin br cb new ClassB cb Draw Note that the only thing I changed.. to a class rather than object as it is with this Output Begin DrawBDrawA Edit To answer your comment below I will add a short..

Open file, write to file, save file as a zip and stream to user for download


1.0 function sb2_plugin_init if get_option 'sb2_plugin' Begin Insert List here. Open the file and write out all the name value..

How to decode a JSON String with several objects in PHP?


sent Issac Tad Frank draft Eric Sergei Old answer s Begin edit Re your comment Now I would like to know how to decode..

php sentence boundaries detection


re ' # Split sentences on whitespace between them. # Begin positive lookbehind. . # Either an end of sentence punct . '.. sentence punct and quote. # End positive lookbehind. # Begin negative lookbehind. Mr . # Skip either Mr. Mrs . # or Mrs...

Minifying final HTML output using regular expressions with CodeIgniter


text at all... # Ensure we are not in a blacklist tag. # Begin unnecessary group. # Zero or more of... ^ # Either one or.. be unroll the loop ified. # End unnecessary group. # Begin alternation group. # Either a blacklist start tag. textarea.. in a blacklist tag. ^ # Either zero or more non normal # Begin special normal construct # or a starting a non blacklist tag...

PHP regex: is there anything wrong with this code?


or CODE element # Or non CODE CODE PRE or PRE stuff. ^ # Begin normal special normal construct # See Mastering Regular Expressions..

Accurate way to measure execution times of php scripts


a generic algorithm but no idea how to implement it on php Begin init1 timer where timer is the amount of milliseconds from midnight..

best approach for jQuery slider with dynamic prev/next content?


the following behavior Clicking the right arrow will ... Begin loading the new content offscreen via xajax Cause the old content..

PHP and HTML: socket_connect() [function.socket-connect]: unable to connect


strlen command 1 or die error failed to write to socket n Begin custom code here. socket_write sock command Command ExecuteConsoleCommand..

phpinfo is reporting incorrect pcre version


the notes from my host about how they fixed the problem Begin steps when I started on this particular server this was the..

PHP constant inside JS file


cause a problem with older browsers use text javascript Begin Tests var templateDir php echo WP_PLUGIN_URL var templateDir2..