

php Programming Glossary: blink

convert mysql resultset into a (name, data) object to be fed into HighCharts


Allow user submitted HTML in PHP


string bgsound string preg_replace '# applet meta xml blink link script iframe frame frameset ilayer layer title base body..

PHP IDE with best code completion? [closed]


and the list becomes half the size before I can even blink. Near zero CPU usage instantaneous results all hail the Gods..

Assigning xml generated by a while loop to a variable


example.com t_gordon.jpg' array 'uid' 2 'userName' 'John blink Frigging blink Doe' 'points' 0 'imageURL' 'http example.com.. array 'uid' 2 'userName' 'John blink Frigging blink Doe' 'points' 0 'imageURL' 'http example.com johndoe.jpg' 'thumbURL'.. details user details user id 2 user id user name John lt blink gt Frigging lt blink gt Doe user name user points 0 user points..

how to call a php function on button click


exit When i click the buttons B1 and B2 page will blink but now where redirect and third one Submit button will redirect..