

php Programming Glossary: bt

Get code line and file that's executing the current function in PHP?


php class Logger static public function log msg bt debug_backtrace caller array_shift bt echo caller 'file' echo.. function log msg bt debug_backtrace caller array_shift bt echo caller 'file' echo caller 'line' This example will return.. with strings. Here's a quick example function log msg bt debug_backtrace caller array_shift bt echo caller 'file' echo..

Extending singletons in PHP


'get_called_class' function get_called_class bt debug_backtrace l 0 do l lines file bt l 'file' callerLine.. get_called_class bt debug_backtrace l 0 do l lines file bt l 'file' callerLine lines bt l 'line' 1 preg_match ' a zA Z0.. l 0 do l lines file bt l 'file' callerLine lines bt l 'line' 1 preg_match ' a zA Z0 9 _ '. bt l 'function' .' '..

Why doesn't this code simply print letters A to Z?


ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn..

Best way to find differences between two large arrays in PHP


l.b function large_array_diff b a Flipping at array_flip a bt array_flip b checking d array_diff_key bt at return array_keys.. at array_flip a bt array_flip b checking d array_diff_key bt at return array_keys d I ran it using 4G memory limit. 3G also..