

php Programming Glossary: bug.php

php access network path under windows


in the last answer of this discussion http bugs.php.net bug.php id 25805 Thanks to VolkerK and Gumbo anyway I love stackoverflow..

PHP PDO MySQL scrollable cursor doesn't work


does not support scrollable cursors. https bugs.php.net bug.php id 34625 http www.php.net manual en pdostatement.fetch.php#105277..

Is it possible to check PHP file syntax from PHP?


exec php l file seems to be a wrong way http bugs.php.net bug.php id 46339 Thoughts php parsing syntax checking share improve..

preg_match and UTF-8 in PHP


looks like this is a feature see http bugs.php.net bug.php id 37391 'u' switch only makes sense for pcre php itself is..

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_decode()


01 bye bye non free php json extension https bugs.php.net bug.php id 63520 It looks like you can manually install the package..

PHP PDO bindValue in LIMIT


found this bug which I think is related http bugs.php.net bug.php id 44639 Is that what I'm looking at This bug has been opened..

Why is calling a function (such as strlen, count etc) on a referenced value so slow?


2005 that describes exactly this issue http bugs.php.net bug.php id 34540 So the problem seems to be that when passing a referenced..

Retrieve (or simulate) full query from PDO prepared statement


report and patch submitted for it here http bugs.php.net bug.php id 52384 in case anyone is interested in voting on it. Until..

How to tell if a session is active?


get this functionality included in PHP http bugs.php.net bug.php id 52982 EDIT 8 29 2011 New function added to PHP trunk 5.4..

DOMDocument::validate() problem


validate to accept the DTD as a string http bugs.php.net bug.php id 48080 You could host the DTD yourself and change the systemId..

php - context node in xpath problem


How to keep json_encode() from dropping strings with invalid characters


behavior is related to this bug https bugs.php.net bug.php id 47494 and a few others and doesn't look like it will ever..

Why doesn't var_dump work with DomDocument objects, while print($dom->saveHTML()) does?


mac os php intratactive mode has no prompt


PDO::exec() or PDO::query()?


Use a variable to define a PHP function


method=“post” enctype=“text/plain” are not compatible?


doesn't handle it and it is not a bug https bugs.php.net bug.php id 33741 Valid values for enctype in form tag are application..

Case-inconsistency of PHP file paths on Mac / MAMP?


unless I hear otherwise. Bug report https bugs.php.net bug.php id 60017 Update And another note If you're doing an absolute..

When would you need to use late static binding?
