

php Programming Glossary: buyer

OOP (beneficial usage)


object of it's own it's easy to pass around bill new Bill buyer address basket getPositions However the printing of the bill..

PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox


orderno set status to Paid Send confirmation email to buyer and notification email to merchant Redirect to thankyou page..

Tools to visually analyze memory usage of a PHP app


memory itself and also has not been extensively tested so buyer beware function analyzeMem obj deep false if is_scalar obj ..

How To Properly Create Domain using Zend Framework?


person_id and userType fields. Each userType admin buyer associate supervisor has specific business logic associated..

Alternative to file_get_contents?


SimpleXmlElement and XPath, getting empty array()


order notification serial number 271578974677716 00001 7 buyer billing address address1 19 sandbox st address1 address2 address2..

How to keep json_encode() from dropping strings with invalid characters


json_encodes notion of what valid utf8 characters are so buyer beware...as there may be edge cases where it still fails. ugh..