

php Programming Glossary: bytearray

POST data to a PHP page from C# WinForm


request.ContentType application x www form urlencoded byte byteArray Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes s byte byteArray Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes.. urlencoded byte byteArray Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes s byte byteArray Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes s request.ContentLength byteArray.Length.. byteArray Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes s request.ContentLength byteArray.Length Stream dataStream request.GetRequestStream dataStream.Write..

Can you convert the output of php crypt() to valid MD5?


substr decodedStr 0 strlen decodedStr strlen decodedStr 8 byteArray str_split decodedStr 8 foreach byteArray as byte byte chr bindec.. decodedStr 8 byteArray str_split decodedStr 8 foreach byteArray as byte byte chr bindec byte return join byteArray Now that.. foreach byteArray as byte byte chr bindec byte return join byteArray Now that you've got the raw data you'll need a method to convert..

How can I send a ByteArray (from Flash) and some form data to php?


How to generate HMAC-SHA1 in C#?


input byte key HMACSHA1 myhmacsha1 new HMACSHA1 key byte byteArray Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes input MemoryStream stream new MemoryStream.. input MemoryStream stream new MemoryStream byteArray return myhmacsha1.ComputeHash stream .Aggregate s e s String.Format..

Flash Encryption PHP Decryption


package import flash.display.Sprite import flash.utils.ByteArray import com.hurlant.crypto.symmetric.ICipher import com.hurlant.crypto.symmetric.IVMode.. private var type String 'simple des ecb' private var key ByteArray public function CryptoCode init private function init void.. private function encrypt txt String '' String var data ByteArray Hex.toArray Hex.fromString txt var pad IPad new PKCS5 var..

Code to upload Video from Android to PHP


server becasue from Android I am sending a 64 bit encoded ByteArray and therer is a ready made function in php which can create.. made function in php which can create image from encoded ByteArray s. But that code also is not working in case of any other file..

How can I send a ByteArray (from Flash) and some form data to php?


can I send a ByteArray from Flash and some form data to php I have a sketch pad made.. var jpgEncoder JPGEncoder new JPGEncoder 85 var jpgStream ByteArray jpgEncoder.encode bmpData var loader URLLoader new URLLoader..