

php Programming Glossary: c2

Cleaning HTML by removing extra/redundant formatting tags


span class c3 span class c1 This is a span span class c2 Test span span strong p You can get the CSS clean cleaning.. Output style type text css span.c3 font size 14px span.c2 color #006400 font size 16px span.c1 color #006400 font size.. style type text css CDATA span.c3 font size 14px span.c2 color #006400 font size 16px span.c1 color #006400 font size..

Algorithm to get all possible string combinations from array up to certain length


bb cb 1b 2b 3b ac bc cc 1c 2c 3c a1 b1 c1 11 21 31 a2 b2 c2 12 22 32 a3 b3 c3 13 23 33 aaa baa caa 1aa 2aa 3aa aba bba cba.. aca bca cca 1ca 2ca 3ca a1a b1a c1a 11a 21a 31a a2a b2a c2a 12a 22a 32a a3a b3a c3a 13a 23a 33a aab bab cab 1ab 2ab 3ab.. acb bcb ccb 1cb 2cb 3cb a1b b1b c1b 11b 21b 31b a2b b2b c2b 12b 22b 32b a3b b3b c3b 13b 23b 33b aac bac cac 1ac 2ac 3ac..

Php recursion to get all possibilities of strings


1 i2 5 i2 s 'length_2' seq i . seq i2 last seq i . seq i2 c2 for i3 i2 1 i3 5 i3 s 'length_3' last. seq i3 last last. seq.. c4 for i 0 i c1 i echo s 'length_1' i .' br ' for i 0 i c2 i echo s 'length_2' i .' br ' for i 0 i c3 i echo s 'length_3'..

How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP?


itoa64 c1 2 c1 c1 0x03 4 if i 16 output . itoa64 c1 break c2 ord input i c1 c2 4 output . itoa64 c1 c1 c2 0x0f 2 c2 ord input.. 0x03 4 if i 16 output . itoa64 c1 break c2 ord input i c1 c2 4 output . itoa64 c1 c1 c2 0x0f 2 c2 ord input i c1 c2 6 output.. c1 break c2 ord input i c1 c2 4 output . itoa64 c1 c1 c2 0x0f 2 c2 ord input i c1 c2 6 output . itoa64 c1 output . itoa64..

Multidimensional array - how to get specific values from sub-array


option php select 2nd select select php for i 0 i c i c2 count array i for j 0 j c2 j option php echo array i j 'name'.. select php for i 0 i c i c2 count array i for j 0 j c2 j option php echo array i j 'name' option php select share..

Transposing multidimensional arrays in PHP


3 'a3' 'b' array 1 'b1' 2 'b2' 3 'b3' 'c' array 1 'c1' 2 'c2' 3 'c3' bar flipDiagonally foo Mystery function var_dump bar.. output array 3 a string 2 a2 b string 2 b2 c string 2 c2 How would you implement flipDiagonally Edit this is not homework...

Paypal Checkout Express empty cart problem


230LLR7IQ B0SIE 29 L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0 160 g 2Fm C2 B2 2C 100 25 cotone ring spun 2C pre ristretto 2C simple jersey.. 230LLR7IQ 2KEI1 29 L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC1 160 g 2Fm C2 B2 2C 100 25 cotone ring spun 2C pre ristretto 2C simple jersey.. TFOHI 28Product 230LLR7IQ TFOHI 29 L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC2 160 g 2Fm C2 B2 2C 100 25 cotone ring spun 2C pre ristretto..

html_entity_decode - character encoding issue


is that #146 decodes to the Unicode character U 0092 UTF 8 C2 92 known as PRIVATE USE TWO php test.php xxd 0000000 5374 616e..

Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters by question marks, mbstring.substitute_character seems ignored


on the range of lead bytes. lead byte 0x00 0x7F 0xC2 0xF4 trail byte 0x80 or 0x90 or 0xA0 0xBF or 0x8F you can refer.. Third Byte Fourth Byte U 0000 U 007F 00 7F U 0080 U 07FF C2 DF 80 BF U 0800 U 0FFF E0 A0 BF 80 BF U 1000 U CFFF E1 EC 80.. Unicode Standard shows an example before 61 F1 80 80 E1 80 C2 62 80 63 80 BF 64 after 0061 FFFD FFFD FFFD 0062 FFFD 0063 FFFD..

How to generate in PHP all combinations of items in multiple arrays


'A2' 'A3' arrayB array 'B1' 'B2' 'B3' arrayC array 'C1' 'C2' I would like to generate an array with 3 x 3 x 2 18 combinations.. an array with 3 x 3 x 2 18 combinations A1 B1 C1 A1 B1 C2 A1 B2 C1 A1 B2 C2 A1 B3 C1 A1 B3 C2 A2 B1 C1 A2 B1 C2 ... The.. 3 x 3 x 2 18 combinations A1 B1 C1 A1 B1 C2 A1 B2 C1 A1 B2 C2 A1 B3 C1 A1 B3 C2 A2 B1 C1 A2 B1 C2 ... The problem is to create..