

php Programming Glossary: cachefile

How do I cache a web page in PHP?


the cache at the start of the script. example code php cachefile 'cache '.basename _SERVER 'PHP_SELF' .'.cache' e.g. cache index.php.cache.. cachetime 3600 time to cache in seconds if file_exists cachefile time cachetime filemtime cachefile c @file_get_contents cf echo.. seconds if file_exists cachefile time cachetime filemtime cachefile c @file_get_contents cf echo c exit else unlink cachefile ob_start..

Caching JSON output in PHP


url cache files are created like cache abcdef123456... cacheFile 'cache' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5 url if file_exists cacheFile.. 'cache' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5 url if file_exists cacheFile fh fopen cacheFile 'r' cacheTime trim fgets fh if data was cached.. . md5 url if file_exists cacheFile fh fopen cacheFile 'r' cacheTime trim fgets fh if data was cached recently return..

Compile a referenced LESS file into CSS with PHP automatically


autoCompileLess inputFile outputFile load the cache cacheFile inputFile. .cache if file_exists cacheFile cache unserialize.. load the cache cacheFile inputFile. .cache if file_exists cacheFile cache unserialize file_get_contents cacheFile else cache inputFile.. file_exists cacheFile cache unserialize file_get_contents cacheFile else cache inputFile less new lessc less setFormatter compressed..