

php Programming Glossary: inner

How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables


answer covers Part 1 Joining two or more tables using an inner join See the wikipedia entry for additional info How to use..

Remove excess whitespace from within a string


the strings. What would be the best way to remove the inner whitespace characters php string share improve this question..

PHP SimpleXML get innerXML


SimpleXML get innerXML I need to get the HTML contents of answer in this bit of.. strong who who strong em me em answer but how to get the inner XML of an element without the element itself wrapped around.. but if that's the only way so be it. php simplexml innerxml share improve this question To the best of my knowledge..

PHP Sort a multidimensional array by element containing date


of arrays. To better distinguish those let's call the inner arrays data records so that your data really is an array of..

Why is calling a function (such as strlen, count etc) on a referenced value so slow?


function on it it's incredibly slow. If you loop over the inner function call and the variable is large it can be many orders..

Replacing accented characters php


those two odd ones before calling iconv or delve into the inner workings of php and actually fix it. share improve this answer..

What are PHP nested functions for?


small investigation I did php function outer msg function inner msg echo 'inner '. msg.' ' echo 'outer '. msg.' ' inner msg.. I did php function outer msg function inner msg echo 'inner '. msg.' ' echo 'outer '. msg.' ' inner msg inner 'test1' Fatal.. inner msg echo 'inner '. msg.' ' echo 'outer '. msg.' ' inner msg inner 'test1' Fatal error Call to undefined function inner..

How to avoid “Using temporary” in many-to-many queries?


buffers and no query caching. select p. from product p inner join product_category pc on pc.cat_id 4104 and pc.prod_id p.prod_id.. 20 rows in set 0.70 sec explain select p. from product p inner join product_category pc on pc.cat_id 4104 and pc.prod_id p.prod_id..

Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays


keys of the outer associative array and using them in the inner ones The result of the algorithm should be this Array 0 Array..

insert multiple rows via a php array into mysql


and one or more are very long you could also build an inner loop to do the same thing and use implode to assign the values..

Headers already sent by PHP


where the header invocation failed. The message in the inner parenthesis is more crucial. It mentions auth.php and line 52..

Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string


foreach remove as node node parentNode removeChild node inner HTML PHP 5.3.6 foreach parent childNodes as node echo dom saveHTML..

Properly Escaping with MySQLI | query over prepared statements


UserInformation.Firstname UserInformation.DOB FROM Users INNER JOIN UserInformation ON Users.ID UserInformation.UserID WHERE..

TableGateway with multiple FROM tables


with multiple FROM tables I would like to do a simple INNER JOIN between two tables in Zend2. Concretely I would like to..

How to create a dynamic WHERE clause


ResponseTime MouseClick StudentMark FROM Student s INNER JOIN Student_Answer sa ON s.StudentId sa.StudentId INNER JOIN.. s INNER JOIN Student_Answer sa ON s.StudentId sa.StudentId INNER JOIN Student_Response sr ON sa.StudentId sr.StudentId INNER.. JOIN Student_Response sr ON sa.StudentId sr.StudentId INNER JOIN Question q ON sa.QuestionId q.QuestionId INNER JOIN Answer..

MySQL: Add sequence column based on another field


AND c.account test.account as seq FROM test UPDATE test INNER join seq ON test.id seq.id SET test.seq seq.seq I have called..

PHP & MySQL: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given


mysqli_query mysqli SELECT users. profile. FROM users INNER JOIN contact_info ON contact_info.user_id users.user_id WHERE.. You do not join with profile anywhere. FROM users INNER JOIN contact_info ON contact_info.user_id users.user_id ..

Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens in


bindValue 1 city getId else sql SELECT FROM `empresas` INNER JOIN `prods_empresas` ON `prods_empresas`.`empresas_codigo`..

PHP/mySQL - how to fetch nested rows into multidimensinal array


query should look something like this SELECT FROM scales INNER JOIN items ON scales.id items.scale_id If you want to iterate..

How to sort a 'query_posts' function by custom field, while limiting posts by another custom field


isset query posts_ordered_by_meta global wpdb join . SQL INNER JOIN wpdb postmeta postmeta_price ON postmeta_price.post_id..

CakePHP find method with JOIN


query using the CakePHP find method SELECT FROM `messages` INNER JOIN users ON messages.from users.id WHERE messages.to 4 ORDER.. array array 'table' 'users' 'alias' 'UserJoin' 'type' 'INNER' 'conditions' array 'UserJoin.id Message.from' 'conditions'..

How do I handle single quotes inside a SQL query in PHP?


s.sid as sid s.category p.name as pname FROM poet p INNER JOIN song s ON p.pid s.pid WHERE s.name ' sid' or die mysql_error..

Join tables with comma values


nm.mailgroup_name as mailgroups FROM newsletter_items ni INNER JOIN newsletter_fields nf ON nf.field_letter_uid ni.letter_id.. newsletter_fields nf ON nf.field_letter_uid ni.letter_id INNER JOIN newsletter_mailgroups nm ON find_in_set nm.mailgroup_id.. nm.mailgroup_name as mailgroups FROM newsletter_items ni INNER JOIN newsletter_fields nf ON nf.field_letter_uid ni.letter_id..

Populating drop-down based on previous selection


_POST 'region' query SELECT s.school FROM regions r INNER JOIN schools s ON s.region_id r.id WHERE r.region LIKE ' region'..

Combining several database table together?


tour_foreign.type_of_vehicle FROM tour_foreign INNER JOIN tour_foreign_residence ON tour_foreign.id tour_foreign_residence.relation..