

php Programming Glossary: innerjoin

Symfony 2: INNER JOIN on non related table with doctrine query builder


this query this createQueryBuilder 'gpr' select 'gpr p' innerJoin 'TPost' 'p' where 'gpr.contentId p.contentId' But this doesn't..

how to get partal result from doctrine query builder


select 'p' from SiteMainBundle Product 'p' innerJoin 'p.category' 'c' innerJoin 'p.shop' 'shop' The issue here.. SiteMainBundle Product 'p' innerJoin 'p.category' 'c' innerJoin 'p.shop' 'shop' The issue here is that I don't want to be selecting.. select 'p.name p.id' from SiteMainBundle Product 'p' innerJoin 'p.category' 'c' innerJoin 'p.shop' 'shop' innerJoin 'p.pictures'..

SQL Builder for PHP, with JOIN support?


Doctrine_Query create q from 'User u' leftJoin 'u.Group g' innerJoin 'u.Phonenumber p WITH u.id 3' leftJoin 'u.Email e' users q execute..

MySQL User defined variable within Doctrine and Symfony


full_name u.first_name u.last_name u.gender r.run_time' innerJoin 'r.ChallengeUser u' orderBy 'run_time' execute array Doctrine.. full_name u.first_name u.last_name u.gender r.run_time' innerJoin 'r.ChallengeUser u' orderBy 'run_time' execute array Doctrine..