

php Programming Glossary: mybundle

Generating a single Entity from existing database using symfony2 and doctrine


console doctrine mapping convert whateveryouwant . src App MyBundle Resources config doctrine from database filter Yourtablename.. Then php app console doctrine mapping import AppMyBundle whateveryouwant filter Yourtablename And finally php app console.. And finally php app console doctrine generate entities AppMyBundle no backup Like this doctrine will load only the entity you need...

Migrating legacy users to symfony2


encoder. 1. Create the encoder php namespace Acme MyBundle Security Encoder use Symfony Component Security Core Encoder.. encoder as service services acme.legacy_encoder class Acme MyBundle Security Encoder LegacyEncoder 3. Install FOSAdvancedEncoderBundle..

'Call to a member function get() on a non-object'?


to it example form services.yml my.listener class ACME MyBundle ListenerController arguments @service_container tags name kernel.event_listener..

Generate Entities with Doctrine into separate namespace


first_manager connection first_connection mappings MyBundle dir Path To EntityFolder Foo second_manager connection second_connection.. Foo second_manager connection second_connection mappings MyBundle dir Path To EntityFolder Bar You can then specify the right..

Symfony 2 - how to pass data to formBuilder?


formBuider . Controller ... groups em getRepository 'VendorMyBundle Group' getUserGroups user form this createForm new Message groups.. array of groups add 'group' 'entity' array 'class' 'Vendor MyBundle Entity Group' 'label' 'Group ' or in the other way class MessageType.. options builder add 'group' 'entity' array 'class' 'Vendor MyBundle Entity Group' 'property' 'name' 'query_builder' function repository..

Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony2


url .. . My path structure is like this ... src MyCompany MyBundle Resources assets css stylesheets... web images images... ..... The twig code of Assetic stylesheets '@MyCompanyMyBundle Resources assets css .css' filter cssrewrite link rel stylesheet..