

php Programming Glossary: mysite.com

.htaccess Redirect non-WWW to WWW preserving URI string


platform which uses .htaccess to accept URLs like http www.mysite.com controller function argument I currently use some .htaccess.. redirect. For instance if a user makes a request for http mysite.com controller function argument I want the .htaccess file to rewrite.. file to rewrite the request in the browser as http www.mysite.com controller function argument and then process the request. ..

Rewrite all queries to not need the .php extension using a mod_rewrite RewriteRule


a mod_rewrite RewriteRule I'd like all queries like http mysite.com something otherthing foo bar x y to be rewritten as http mysite.com.. something otherthing foo bar x y to be rewritten as http mysite.com something otherthing.php foo bar x y In other words just make..

CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) attack example and prevention in PHP


an website where people can place a vote like this http mysite.com vote 25 This will place a vote on item 25. I want to only make.. the website and someone gives them a link like this http mysite.com vote 30 then the vote will be places for him on the item without.. allows one to use img tags in his posts img src http mysite.com vote 30 You would just have voted for that item The solution..

php : SEO friendly urls


I want to create SEO friendly URL's for this site like mysite.com first_content mysite.com second_content. URL's must be dynamic.. friendly URL's for this site like mysite.com first_content mysite.com second_content. URL's must be dynamic which means URL's must..

Session lost when switching from HTTP to HTTPS in PHP


the user to a checkout page they are switched from http mysite.com to https mysite.com. As a result _SESSION variables are lost... page they are switched from http mysite.com to https mysite.com. As a result _SESSION variables are lost. The site has a valid.. original cause of the problem. I was going from http www.mysite.com page.php to https mysite.com page.php notice the lack of www..

How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento?


a controller view model approach. So if I went to http mysite.com myController it would show the string 'Hello World'. Being able..

parse an XML with SimpleXML which has multiple namespaces


eb PartyId eb From eb To eb PartyId eb type URI mysite.com eb PartyId eb To eb CPAId something eb CPAId eb ConversationId..

Generating Facebook Open Graph meta tags dynamically


content meta site name meta property og url content http mysite.com index.php type php echo params 'type' locale php echo params.. echo params 'title' meta property og image content http mysite.com img php echo params 'image' .png meta property og description.. none all or only a selection and in any order like so http mysite.com index.php type restaurant title luigis or this http mysite.com..