

php Programming Glossary: sensor

What's wrong with my PHP curl request, please help .. I'm not getting any data back [closed]


where I went wrong. Thanks php url http sensor sens data.php xml_data file_get_contents usr local www data..

Wordpress: Loading multiple scripts with enqueue - noob


map api' 'https maps.googleapis.com maps api js v 3.exp sensor false' REGISTER ALL CSS FOR SITE wp_register_style 'pr_woocommerce'..

Reverse Geocoding With Google Map API And PHP To Get Nearest Location Using Lat,Long coordinates


maps.google.com maps geo q 40.714224 73.961452 output json sensor true_or_false key ' . api_key make the HTTP request data @file_get_contents..

Using PHP and google Maps Api to work out distance between 2 post codes (UK)


url 'http maps.google.com maps geo q EC3M UK output csv sensor false' data @file_get_contents url result explode data echo..

Distance between two addresses


directions xml origin FROM_ADDRESS destination TO_ADDRESS sensor false FROM_ADDRESS is a Google Recognisable address for the.. destination 881 7th Avenue New York NY United States sensor false The result is DirectionsResponse status OK status route..

Geographical coordinates to street names


maps.googleapis.com maps api geocode json latlng lat long sensor false curl curl_init curl_setopt curl CURLOPT_URL url curl_setopt..

how to parse a Google Maps geocoding result


maps api geocode json latlng 40.714224 73.961452 sensor true I just need city name New York in this example and country.. maps api geocode xml latlng 40.714 Œâ€ 24 73.961452 sensor true' xml simplexml_load_string url tracks xml result temp city..

Why doesn't file_get_contents work?


type text javascript src http maps.google.com maps api js sensor false script head body adr 'Sydney NSW' echo adr url http maps.googleapis.com.. http maps.googleapis.com maps api geocode json address adr sensor false echo ' p '. url.' p ' echo file_get_contents url print.. type text javascript src http maps.google.com maps api js sensor false script head body php # Enable Error Reporting and Display..

Finding towns within a 10 mile radius of postcode. Google maps API


maps api geocode xml address '. postcode.' sensor false' parsedXML simplexml_load_file url if parsedXML status..

url encode behaving differently in Firefox and Internet Explorer


http maps.googleapis.com maps api geocode json address loc sensor false The output address in Firefox is http maps.googleapis.com.. maps api geocode json address k C3 B6ln Germany sensor false works The same in Internet Explorer is http maps.googleapis.com.. maps api geocode json address k F6ln Germany sensor false returns INVALID_REQUEST You can see the difference in..

Get latitude and longitude automatically using php, API


http maps.google.com maps api geocode json address address sensor false region region json json_decode json lat json 'results'.. geocode json address technopark Trivandrun kerala India sensor false region IND function.file get contents failed to open stream.. http maps.google.com maps api geocode json address address sensor false region India ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL url..