

php Programming Glossary: sent

Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?


this list. Why is this Questions like Headers already sent or Calling a member of a non object pop up frequently on StackOverflow... Warning Cannot modify header information headers already sent Warning mysql_fetch_array expects parameter 1 to be resource.. Warning Cannot modify header information headers already sent Happens when your script tries to send a HTTP header to the..

UTF-8 all the way through


browser must be informed of the encoding in which data is sent through HTTP response headers or HTML metadata . In PHP you.. be useful For HTML before HTML5 only you want all data sent to you by browsers to be in UTF 8. Unfortunately if you go by..

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords


Don't limit the length of a password. If your users want a sentence with supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in it don't prevent.. to your user except when they have lost theirs and you sent a temporary one. Never ever log passwords in any manner. Never..

Headers already sent by PHP


already sent by PHP When running my script I am getting several errors looking.. Warning Cannot modify header information headers already sent by output started at some file.php 12 in some file.php on line.. Warning Cannot modify header information headers already sent output started at file line Some functions modifying the HTTP..

Converting NSArray -> JSON -> NSData -> PHP server ->JSON representation


dict NSArray info NSArray arrayWithArray arrayOfDicts And Sent it like this NSData jsonData NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject..

How to attach PDF to email using PHP mail function


From . from mail to subject message headers echo Mail Sent php email email attachments php mail share improve this question..

Getting MYSQL ERROR from my site [closed]


message From mail@ . _SERVER 'HTTP_HOST' print b Password Sent b br We have dispatched your password to your email address...

Having trouble with PHPMailer


SendMail ToEmail MessageHTML MessageTEXT if Send echo h2 Sent OK h2 else echo h2 ERROR h2 die I tried this script and had..

Is there a limit when using php mail function?


exe ... if mail echo success br else echo failed br echo Sent all I include the if.. else statement to ensure that each email..

How to embed images in html email


is a regular attachment Not inline mail Send echo Message Sent OK p p n catch phpmailerException e echo e errorMessage Pretty..

problem with php mail 'From' header


PHP .phpversion mail to subject message headers echo Mail Sent. the problem is that when the mail is delivered the from header..

Not receiving eMail [duplicate]


From . from mail to subject message headers echo Mail Sent. PHP Mail Form html body php if isset _REQUEST 'email' if email..

Error handling with PHPMailer


phpmailer_mini.gif' attachment mail Send echo Message Sent OK n catch phpmailerException e echo e errorMessage Pretty error..

trying to send mail using swift mailer, gmail smtp, php


'path logo.png' 'logo.png' message attach attachment numSent mailer send message printf Sent d messages n numSent AFter RUNNING.. attach attachment numSent mailer send message printf Sent d messages n numSent AFter RUNNING GOT THIS ERROR... Fatal error.. numSent mailer send message printf Sent d messages n numSent AFter RUNNING GOT THIS ERROR... Fatal error Uncaught exception..

Facebook Graph API PHP SDK posting on page as page


api ' PAGE ID feed ' 'post' attachment result Facebook Sent catch FacebookApiException e result Facebook Failed error_log..

Finding First day of week via php [duplicate]


How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted?


like this 2011 01 07 11 01 26 Alert Notifications Sent for http alerts.illinoisstate.edu 2049 SCRIPT 38.71 seconds..

Php mail: how to send html?


type text html r n if mail to subject body headers echo p Sent p else echo p Error... p php html email message sendmail ..

Track php emails with php script?


newsletter emails status. The status would be 1. Num.Of Sent. 2. Num.Of Delivered. 3. Delivered date. 4. Total Num.Of Read... From the above status i could track the following 1. Is Sent. This is tracked as it is sent from coding. 8. Total Num.Of.. the other status from the mail function. Technically Is Sent only tells you that the mail was passed over to the server's..

POST jpeg upload with AFNetworking


NSInteger totalBytesExpectedToWrite NSLog @ Sent d of d bytes totalBytesWritten totalBytesExpectedToWrite operation.. NSInteger totalBytesExpectedToWrite NSLog @ Sent d of d bytes totalBytesWritten totalBytesExpectedToWrite operation..

Sent mails with phpmailer don't go to “Sent” IMAP folder


mails with phpmailer don't go to &ldquo Sent&rdquo IMAP folder.. mails with phpmailer don't go to &ldquo Sent&rdquo IMAP folder in my CRM online system I control ingoing.. thing. How to make sent with phpmailer script mails go to Sent IMAP folder php smtp imap phpmailer share improve this question..