

php Programming Glossary: sig

Upload image with facebook API


'Lenna.png' @ home thoai htdocs apps bemyfans Lenna.png signRequest args secret ch curl_init url 'http api.facebook.com.. args if data curl_exec ch echo done echo data function signRequest args secret ksort args sig '' foreach args as k v sig.. done echo data function signRequest args secret ksort args sig '' foreach args as k v sig . k . ' ' . v sig . secret args 'sig'..

Facebook user deauthorizes the app


send an HTTP POST request containing a single parameter signed_request which contains the user id UID of the user that just.. access tokens will be automatically expired. So using the signed_request function on its own docuement php function parse_signed_request.. function on its own docuement php function parse_signed_request signed_request secret list encoded_sig payload explode..

Seamless way to check if user likes page


Facebook will send you some extra details in the signed_request When a user navigates to the Facebook Page they will.. When a user selects your Page Tab you will received the signed_request parameter with one additional parameter page. This.. all the user information accessible to your app in the signed_request until the user authorizes your app. The code taken..

How can I find out what Page has installed my Facebook App / which page is loading my app


When a user selects your Page Tab you will received the signed_request parameter with one additional parameter page . This.. all the user information accessible to your app in the signed_request until the user authorizes your app. So one way to.. array 'appId' 'APP_ID' 'secret' 'APP_SECRET' 'cookie' true signed_request facebook getSignedRequest if page signed_request..

Passing api keys to rest api


share improve this question You should look into request signing. A great example is Amazon's S3 REST API . The overview.. the public id with the request and use the private key to sign the request. The receiving server looks up the user's key and.. server looks up the user's key and decides if the signed request is valid. The flow is something like this User joins..

Facebook Registration Connect


'FACEBOOK_SECRET' 'mysecretappidhere' function parse_signed_request signed_request secret list encoded_sig payload explode.. 'mysecretappidhere' function parse_signed_request signed_request secret list encoded_sig payload explode '.' signed_request.. parse_signed_request signed_request secret list encoded_sig payload explode '.' signed_request 2 decode the data sig base64_url_decode..