

php Programming Glossary: similar

When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks?


double quotes and backticks I've been reading answers to similar questions on here for about 20 minutes but it seems like there..

How to properly set up a PDO connection


from my DB from not whitin a class I just do something similar to this id 123 sql 'SELECT whatever FROM MyTable WHERE id id'..

How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables


ID and this links back to the colors ID column. So in a similar manner to the original we can join a third table select a.ID.. at the least . An Intersection is a type of join somewhat similar to a union as described above but the difference is that it..

PHP: how to get last inserted ID of a table?


get the very last ID of the table. How can I do this Is it similar to SELECT MAX id FROM table php mysql share improve this..

Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP


on large lists and generally performs worse than the similar insertion sort. Selection sort is noted for its simplicity and..

“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate]


to end PHP parsing and then start it again as well as the similar block on lines 60 62 and it'll work. Notice that the error message..

How to get thumbnail of YouTube video link using YouTube API?


For the high quality version of the thumbnail use a url similar to this http img.youtube.com vi insert youtube video id here.. also a medium quality version of the thumbnail using a url similar to the HQ http img.youtube.com vi insert youtube video id here.. the standard definition version of the thumbnail use a url similar to this http img.youtube.com vi insert youtube video id here..

Timezone conversion in php


it to your DateTime object just like shown. I'm using a similar approach in one of my projects and it works like a charm. in..

Is there a static code analyzer [like Lint] for PHP files? [closed]


graphs with graphviz . Another option is xhprof which is similar to xdebug but lighter making it suitable for production servers...

DOMDocument in php


tr any clues of where to read about this case or something similar basically I need NOT to strip my html nodes to analyze if it's..

How to check if an email address exists without sending an email?


SMTP without sending an email . Has anyone tried anything similar or does it work for you Can you tell if an email customer user..

Headers already sent by PHP


output if the client interprets the document as Latin 1 or similar garbage . In particular graphical editors and Java based IDEs.. is to set the text editor to save files as UTF 8 no BOM or similar such nomenclature. Many newcomers resort to creating new files.. HTTP header . The same conditions therefore apply and similar error messages will be generated with premature output situations...

How to get useful error messages in PHP?


more detailed information. The PhpEd debugger is very similar to xdebug and integrates directly into the editor so you use..

Creating your own TinyURL


convert back. So 1 becomes 54jcdn and 2 becomes pqmw21 . Similar to Base64 encoding but not using consecutive characters. I actually..

How does RecursiveIteratorIterator work in PHP?


the iterator itself allows to obtain more information. Similar to the meta information there are also different ways possible..

What's the difference between escapeshellarg and escapeshellcmd?


strings like argv which bypasses the shell I'd use that. Similar to Python's subprocess.call function. php shell processes exec..

Using PHP substr() and strip_tags() while retaining formatting and without breaking HTML


strong em texts em and tags in the ai strong div ... Similar Questions How to clip HTML fragments without breaking up tags..

php var_dump() vs print_r() [closed]


be presented in a format that shows keys and elements . Similar notation is used for objects. Example obj object array 'qualitypoint'..

Extended placeholders for SQL, e.g. WHERE id IN (??)


interpolate a named value list very much like expands to . Similar use cases and sensible to have for uniformness. Anyway has anybody..

Extract URL from string


a url. I want to extract that url and make it a hyperlink. Similar to how Yahoo Answers does it. Does anyone know a reliable solution..

Maximum size of a php session


script can consume at one time which by default is 128MB. Similar answers Ideal PHP Session Size some useful comments share..

underlying difference between elseif vs else if


cond2 Do something else else Do something else endif Similar to Python which uses elif else if with a space wouldn't be allowed..

What's method for checking user fan of a page in GRAPH API?


getLoginUrl array 'scope' 'user_likes' rest of code here Similar script usingJS SDK FB.api ' me likes PAGE_ID' function response..

Symfony2 Routing - route subdomains


would get the current subdomain passed as a parameter. Similar to the Zend solution http framework.zend.com manual en zend.controller.router.html#zend.controller.router.routes.hostname..

What PHP application design/design patterns do you use?


to refactor later on without breaking something. Abstract Similar Classes If you have more than one class that does similar things..

PHP Warning: wbExec


the Searching Keywords and so on many other rules . M2 Similar as M1 except at the current step of incomplete sofware I choose..

JavaScript equivalent of PHP's in_array()


values from one array and see if it is in another array Similar to PHP's in_array function php javascript phpjs share improve..

Android: upload file with filling out POST body together


is part of HttpMime 4.1.2 API documentation Similar to this Android Uploading a file to a page along with other..

Libpuzzle Indexing millions of pictures?


using the built in compression decompression functions. Similar signatures share identical śwords ie. identical sequences of..

CodeIgniter: “The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed.”


or whatever. Add that to your mimes.php . Hope this help Similar answer here Some links CodeIgniter forum's thread Mimetype corruption..

Grouping arrays in PHP


output the array but group the items with a common value. Similar to SQL's GROUP BY method. This should be relatively easy to..