

php Programming Glossary: simpleimage

upload multiple images with jquery ajax and process them with php


you want to compress and resize You need this class class SimpleImage var image var image_type function load filename image_info.. UPLOAD_ERR_OK succeed name _FILES img name key image new SimpleImage image load _FILES 'img' 'tmp_name' key chek image maxSize if..

PNG Transparency Resize with SimpleImage.php Class


Transparency Resize with SimpleImage.php Class I'm using a modified version of the SimpleImage.php.. SimpleImage.php Class I'm using a modified version of the SimpleImage.php class http www.white hat web design.co.uk articles php image.. not sure what's missing. Any help is appreciated... class SimpleImage var image var image_type function load filename image_info getimagesize..

Resizing images using php


the script from here . Here is the whole script php File SimpleImage.php Author Simon Jarvis Copyright 2006 Simon Jarvis Date 08.. for more details http www.gnu.org licenses gpl.html class SimpleImage var image var image_type function load filename image_info getimagesize.. image new_image and here's how I'm using it image new SimpleImage image load _FILES 'uploaded_image' 'tmp_name' image resizeToWidth..