

php Programming Glossary: simpledom

How to to sort a XML feed with SimpleXML


is a bit tedious so here's what I'd do instead download SimpleDOM and use sortedXPath include 'SimpleDOM.php' xml simpledom_load_file.. do instead download SimpleDOM and use sortedXPath include 'SimpleDOM.php' xml simpledom_load_file data.xml dateformat D j M g ia..

Adding a block of XML as child of a SimpleXMLElement object


an XML library that already has this feature built in like SimpleDOM . You grab SimpleDOM and you use insertXML which works like.. has this feature built in like SimpleDOM . You grab SimpleDOM and you use insertXML which works like the addXMLChild method.. like the addXMLChild method you were describing. include 'SimpleDOM.php' books simpledom_load_string ' books book name ABCD name..

PHP SimpleXML get innerXML


is not built in way to get that. I'd recommend trying SimpleDOM which is a PHP class extending SimpleXMLElement that offers.. methods for most of the common problems. include 'SimpleDOM.php' qa simpledom_load_string ' qa question Who are you question..

Sorting an array of SimpleXML objects


also seen people suggest using an external library like SimpleDOM but I want to avoid using something external for this seemingly.. this question I guess the people suggesting to use SimpleDOM would be me. I've written SimpleDOM sort exactly for that situation.. suggesting to use SimpleDOM would be me. I've written SimpleDOM sort exactly for that situation because in order to sort SimpleXMLElements..

Is it possible to insert a comment tag into an xml using simplexml?


simple stuff compared to SimpleXML. My recommendation try SimpleDOM . It's an extension to SimpleXML so everything works the same.. before or after a given node. For example include 'SimpleDOM.php' root simpledom_load_string ' root value root ' root value..

Grabbing hidden inputs as a string (Using PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser)


you do something like find 'input @type hidden ' If the SimpleDOM doesn't allow that sort of selector you could simply loop over..