

php Programming Glossary: suburbs

Paginate records on Client side issue


cities.city_name like ' . _SESSION ' cityName' . ' and suburbs.suburb_name ' . value 0 . ' else if countArray '3' where cities.city_name.. cities.city_name like ' . _SESSION ' cityName' . ' and suburbs.suburb_name ' . value 0 . ' or suburbs.suburb_name ' . value.. ' cityName' . ' and suburbs.suburb_name ' . value 0 . ' or suburbs.suburb_name ' . value 1 . ' else if countArray '4' where cities.city_name..

Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field


can be retrieved in the first call at the same time as the suburbs Except I don't want all of the postcodes just the one that the.. 1.8.15.custom.min.js script script autocomplete function #suburbs .autocomplete source allSuburbs.php minLength 3 select function.. p input class inputText type text size 50 name term id suburbs maxlength 60 td td p State p input class inputText type text..