

php Programming Glossary: subversion

PHP to Quickbooks - how do I connect the two if she's running on a desktop?


I'm the developer of that library . Intuit hosts our Subversion repository but we're a separate company and Intuit does not..

Mechanisms for tracking DB schema changes [closed]


tracking and or automating DB schema changes Our team uses Subversion for version control and we've been able to automate some of.. with different environments while continuing to use Subversion as a backend through which code and DB updates are pushed around.. something similar before and integrated it into Subversion post commit hooks or is this a bad idea While a solution that..

Pre-installed Linux for Web Developers?


installed Ruby RoR set up for a beginner to start with Subversion set up for multiple repositories Firewall configured for functioning..

Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects


option group 'Source Code Management' you would be using Subversion. Hudson accepts both url access as well as local module access..

How to get started deploying PHP applications from a subversion repository?


Framework application that is under version control in a Subversion repository . How do I go about deploying my application What..

Beginning PHP development - programming stack recommendation and web site resources [closed]


is read How Is PHP Done the Right Way For source control Subversion is a decent place to start. You will need Firefox plus Firebug...