

python Programming Glossary: base.metadata

SQLAlchemy: Relation table with composite primary key


a set of tables that look like workflows Table 'workflows' Base.metadata Column 'id' Integer primary_key True actions Table 'actions'.. 'id' Integer primary_key True actions Table 'actions' Base.metadata Column 'name' String primary_key True Column 'workflow_id'.. True action_dependencies Table 'action_dependencies' Base.metadata Column 'workflow_id' Integer ForeignKey workflows.c.id primary_key..

SQLAlchemy declarative syntax with autoload (reflection) in Pylons


the tables or classes in the model t_events Table 'events' Base.metadata schema 'events' autoload True autoload_with engine orm.mapper.. model it's available in init_model . I tried adding meta.Base.metadata.bind engine to environment.py but it doesn't work. Anyone has.. for each table I added this line at the end of init_model Base.metadata.bind engine This way I can declare my model objects with no..

Reusing SQLAlchemy models across projects


models but before any import of your reusable models by Base.metadata my_main_app.db.metadata MixIn classes useful for repeating column..