

python Programming Glossary: base64.encodestring

oauth google using python


hmac.new secret text hashlib.sha1 .digest return urlencode base64.encodestring digest .rstrip def base64string hexstring recoded urlencode.. .rstrip def base64string hexstring recoded urlencode base64.encodestring hexstring.decode 'hex' .rstrip print sys.stderr 'recoded ' recoded..

Rally APIs: How to copy Test Folder and member Test Cases


target_attachment_content_fields Content base64.encodestring source_attachment_content try target_attachment_content..

Python urllib2 Basic Auth Problem


http api.foursquare.com v1 user base64string base64.encodestring ' s s' username password .replace ' n' '' request.add_header..

SMTP through Exchange using Integrated Windows Authentication (NTLM) using Python


SMTP_AUTH_OKAY 235 def asbase64 msg return string.replace base64.encodestring msg ' n' '' def connect_to_exchange_as_current_user smtp Example..

HTTP basic authentication using sockets in python


path ' ' username 'fred' password 'bloggs' token base64.encodestring ' s s' username password .strip lines 'GET s HTTP 1.1' path..

NTLM authentication in Python


return None auth_req output_buffer 0 .Buffer auth_req base64.encodestring auth_req auth_req string.replace auth_req ' 012' '' return auth_req.. None response_msg output_buffer 0 .Buffer response_msg base64.encodestring response_msg response_msg string.replace response_msg ' 012'..

Scraping Javascript driven web pages with PyQt4 - how to access pages that need authentication?


password 'pass' req urllib2.Request url base64string base64.encodestring ' s s' username password 1 authheader Basic s base64string req.add_header.. username 'username' password 'password' base64string base64.encodestring ' s s' username password 1 authheader Basic s base64string headerKey..

Python urllib2, basic HTTP authentication, and tr.im


http api.foursquare.com v1 user base64string base64.encodestring ' s s' username password .replace ' n' '' request.add_header..

HTTP Authentication in Python


I did this handle urllib2.Request url authheader Basic s base64.encodestring ' s s' username password handle.add_header Authorization authheader..

urllib2 HTTPPasswordMgr not working - Credentials not sent error


httplib import httplib base64 auth 'Basic ' string.strip base64.encodestring username ' ' password h httplib.HTTPSConnection 'qualysapi.qualys.com'.. header the urllib2 cal works import base64 base64string base64.encodestring ' s s' username password 1 req.add_header Authorization Basic..