

python Programming Glossary: conclusion

Running an interactive command from within python


doesn't' for him. Through looking around Ive come to the conclusion that subprocess is the best way of doing this but Im having..

Finding the kth-smallest element in union of sorted arrays


in the form of common elements of A and B . Second the conclusion that Ai Bj Ai Bj 1 resp. Bj Ai Bj Ai 1 is made under the condition..

List extending strange behaviour [duplicate]


internal C array and copy items over to the new list. In conclusion the reason __iadd__ accepts any sequence is because when PEP..

Weird Integer Cache inside Python 2.6


compiled code contains a single constant for the 257 . In conclusion the python bytecode compiler is not able to perform massive..

Convert Variable Name to String?


str _dictionary_name str _key str _value ###### In conclusion Python passes only memory addresses as arguments to functions...

Why is IoC / DI not common in Python?


an example of what it looks like to take DI to its logical conclusion take a look at Gilad Bracha 's Newspeak Programming Language..

How can I speed up fetching pages with urllib2 in python?


I think even twisted fans will refrain from jumping into conclusion to attribute this to the efficiency of twisted. There are after.. s 2.87 s 1.04 s 1.72 s My testing does not support Aaron's conclusion that threading is consistently slower than async I O by a measurable..

Peak detection in a 2D array


solution on all my measurements I came to the staggering conclusion that for nearly all my small dogs it didn't find a 5th toe and..

How to write a multidimensional array to a text file?


dimensions... But just to draw everything out to it's full conclusion I just realized that numpy.savetxt chokes on ndarrays with more..

Python Smooth Time Series Data


TSQL Rolling Average of Time Groupings after coming to the conclusion that trying to do this in SQL is a route of pain . python time..

Are there any declaration keywords in Python?


function calls... Before long you might just come to the conclusion that static type checking at compile time doesn't actually make..

Using only the DB part of Django


Django but persistent you may hit threading issues. In conclusion it is a matter of opinion. In my opinion both the limitations..

Why is my file getting closed if I don't do anything with it for a while?


pass and discovering that everything was still working my conclusion was that initially with nothing left to do after instantiating..

Does a line profiler for code require a parse tree and is that sufficient?


tree and insert timings around individual nodes. Is this conclusion correct Does a line profiler require the parse tree and is that..

Python: Is explicitly closing files important?


from being closed Or will it definitely be closed at the conclusion of the for statement because the file goes out of scope Thanks..

Programmatically generate video or animated GIF in Python?


it doesn't seem to work. Can someone correct me with this conclusion or suggest another toolkit This link seems to backup my conclusion.. or suggest another toolkit This link seems to backup my conclusion regarding PIL http www.somethinkodd.com oddthinking 2005 12..

What can change my floating point control word behind my back?


in turn modify the control word. I have rather come to the conclusion that signal is not the mechanism. I arranged to execute the..

Robust Hand Detection via Computer Vision


can be time consuming for real time applications. So in conclusion if you are only trying to detect skin regions using color then..

increment int object


I want to implement C type ' n' operator for that class Conclusion ok as int is immutable there is no way looks like i will have..

How to Mock an HTTP request in a unit testing scenario in Python


against expected_content mock_requests.get.return_value Conclusion It is very important to keep unit test small simple fast and..

Using multiprocessing.Manager.list instead of a real list makes the calculation take ages


so I conclude the system must be using copy on write. Conclusion If you do not need to modify the data defining it at the global..

latin-1 to ascii


to be done for matching a long autocomplete dropdown list Conclusion As one my criteria is speed Lennart's 'register your own error..

Installing pymc then matplotlib Win7-64 continues to fail despite workarounds


not sure why I need to reinstall the package at this point Conclusion So I'm now at a loss any ideas on what next I could try python..

Python memory usage? loading large dictionaries in memory


foo bar 36 sys.getsizeof fooooooooooooooooooooooo bar 36 Conclusion sys.getsizeof tuple_object 28 4 len tuple_object ... it only..

What are the biggest differences between Python and Ruby from a philosophical perspective [closed]


the Ruby people have their own little syntax annoyances. Conclusion To conclude I think that Python and Lisp make a good combination..

Python - Create a list with initial capacity


the duration simple append 0.0102 pre allocate 0.0098 Conclusion . It barely matters. Premature optimization is the root of all..

How to filter (or replace) unicode characters that would take more than 3 bytes in UTF-8?


solution although interesting was quite big and complex. Conclusion The RegEx solution was by far the fastest one. python mysql..

Open document with default application in Python


and it's the simplest tool for this particular job. Conclusion using os.system is the simplest most straightforward way to..

Python shelve module question


requires knowledge about the database implementation used. Conclusion it depends on OS and the underlying DB. To keep things portable..

Speed comparison with Project Euler: C vs Python vs Erlang vs Haskell


seconds so the NCG backend is doing well in this case too. Conclusion Haskell is awesome. Resulting Code factorCount number factorCount'..

Python dynamic inheritance: How to choose base class upon instance creation?


@property def file_obj self return gzip.open self.path 'r' Conclusion Bear in mind if you want to propose a solution that the goal..

Is there a good way to do this type of mining?


remaining singleton groups into a single vertical group Conclusion You can use constraint programming techniques to solve this..

What is a maximum number of arguments in a Python function?


string line 1 on the other hand this works f range 5000 Conclusion no it does not apply to unrolled arguments. share improve this..

Python clean way to wrap individual statements in a try except block


Update2 This is a scrubbed csv file for testing gist file Conclusion The answer provided by Vsekhar is perfect. It abstracts away..