

python Programming Glossary: cond

Keyboard Interrupts with python's multiprocessing Pool


this question This is a Python bug. When waiting for a condition in threading.Condition.wait KeyboardInterrupt is never.. KeyboardInterrupt is never sent. Repro import threading cond threading.Condition threading.Lock cond.acquire cond.wait None.. import threading cond threading.Condition threading.Lock cond.acquire cond.wait None print done The KeyboardInterrupt exception..

How to spawn future only if free worker is available


s message s' datefmt ' H M S' SENTINEL object def worker cond queue for line in iter queue.get SENTINEL line line.strip logger.info.. queue.get SENTINEL line line.strip logger.info line with cond cond.notify logger.info 'notify' def sprinkler cond queue num_workers.. SENTINEL line line.strip logger.info line with cond cond.notify logger.info 'notify' def sprinkler cond queue num_workers..

Pythonic macro syntax


name 'elifs' Optional else Var name 'elseBody' return If cond Stmt body for keyword cond colon body in if_ elifs None if elseBody.. Var name 'elseBody' return If cond Stmt body for keyword cond colon body in if_ elifs None if elseBody is None else Stmt elseBody.. this case this can only happen for 'elseBody'. return If cond Stmt body for keyword cond body in if_ elifs None if elseNody..

How can I access directory-local variables in my major mode hooks?


value and provide a virtualenv path defun cr virtualenv cond cr virtualenv name format s s virtualenv base cr virtualenv.. name is s cr virtualenv name let python base cr virtualenv cond and fboundp 'ipython shell hook file executable p concat python.. function can be used unmodified with that approach. A second option is to utilise the optional LOCAL argument to add hook..

What is the most pythonic way to import modules in python


import ... from ... import ... from ... import ... if not cond param1 res text if not cond param2 name default So what is the.. ... from ... import ... if not cond param1 res text if not cond param2 name default So what is the most pythonic way to import..

How to implement a Lock with a timeout in Python 2.7


import threading import time lock threading.Lock cond threading.Condition threading.Lock def waitLock timeout with.. threading.Lock def waitLock timeout with cond current_time start_time time.time while current_time start_time.. timeout if lock.acquire False return True else cond.wait timeout current_time start_time current_time time.time..