

python Programming Glossary: couchbase

CouchBase mixed with Memcached, loss of most CouchDB philosophies and functionality?


mixed with Memcached loss of most CouchDB philosophies and functionality.. of now the only way i have worked with newer versions of CouchBase is through a memcached Client . I use Erlang as the programming.. and receiving data from memcached . While setting up CouchBase we are asked to choose either memcached buckets or CouchBase..

CouchBase mixed with Memcached, loss of most CouchDB philosophies and functionality?


question There's a big difference between CouchDB and Couchbase if I'm right Couchbase use CouchDB to store the data but do.. big difference between CouchDB and Couchbase if I'm right Couchbase use CouchDB to store the data but do not offer present the views.. I went through the different API ruby php from the Couchbase website and the Couchbase server documentation and I didn't..