

python Programming Glossary: ideone.com

Python: Elegantly merge dictionaries with sum() of values [duplicate]


marginally slower than the OP's solution. Benchmark http ideone.com 7IzSx Updated with yet another solution thanks to astynax Also..

python obtain variable name of argument in a function


Merge of lazy streams (using generators) in Python


and always returns the head of the 1st test entry at http ideone.com doeX2Q . Calling iter is totally superfluous it adds nothing.. superfluous it adds nothing here. When I remove it http ideone.com 7tk85h the program works exactly the same and produces exactly.. There's no need to call iter in your sieve as well http ideone.com kYh7Di . sieve already defines a generator and filter in Python..

How to change json encoding behaviour for serializable python object?


if __name__ '__main__' test_debug_json DEMO http ideone.com hQJnLy Output date 2013 05 07T01 03 13.098727 games mario contra..

Speed up bitstring/bit operations in Python?


The code runs correctly and gracefully at 0.32 seconds on ideone.com to generate prime numbers up to 1 000 000. # from bitstring..

Why doesn't finite repetition in lookbehind work in some flavors?p


snippet illustrates all of the above points see also on ideone.com p re.compile r' ^ d ^ d d d 1 2 ' print p.findall 12 34 56 #.. This is demonstrated by the following snippet see also on ideone.com String text 12 34 56 date n 1 23 45 another date n Pattern p.. how you can use repetition on a lookbehind see also on ideone.com var text @ 1 23 45 12 34 56 123 45 67 1234 56 78 Regex r new..

python string manipulation


Python Eratosthenes Sieve Algorithm Optimization


array of bits. You can see this function in action at http ideone.com YTaMB where it computes the primes to a million in less than..