

python Programming Glossary: itertools.izip_longest

Zipping unequal lists in python in to a list which does not drop any element from longer list being zipped


share improve this question What you seek is itertools.izip_longest a 1 2 3 b 9 10 for i in itertools.izip_longest a b print i ..... you seek is itertools.izip_longest a 1 2 3 b 9 10 for i in itertools.izip_longest a b print i ... 1 9 2 10 3 None EDIT 1 If you really want to.. s then you could try for i in filter None pair for pair in itertools.izip_longest a b print i 1 9 2 10 3 EDIT 2 In response to steveha's comment..

Python: zip-like function that pads to longest length?


zip share improve this question You can either use itertools.izip_longest python 2.6 or you can use map with None . It is a little known..

Traversing two strings at a time python


python share improve this question you need to use itertools.izip_longest In 7 from itertools import izip_longest In 8 s1 Hi In 9 s2 Giy..

reading lines 2 at a time


import itertools with open fn as f for line line2 in itertools.izip_longest f f fillvalue '' print line line2 Alas izip_longest requires.. wrapper def natatime itr fillvalue None n 2 return itertools.izip_longest iter itr n fillvalue fillvalue itertools is generally the best..

Alternative way to split a list into groups of n


improve this question A Python recipe In Python 2.6 use itertools.izip_longest def grouper n iterable fillvalue None grouper 3 'ABCDEFG' 'x'..

how can I iterate through two lists in parallel in Python? [duplicate]


variable and should be replaced by itertools.izip or itertools.izip_longest which returns an iterator instead of a list. import itertools.. for f b in itertools.izip foo bar print f b for f b in itertools.izip_longest foo bar print f b izip stops when either foo or bar is exhausted...

interleaving 2 lists of unequal lengths [duplicate]


loop indexing share improve this question You can use itertools.izip_longest here from itertools import izip_longest xs 1 2 3 ys hi bye no..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


f1 f1.func_name f2 f2.func_name if not all a b for a b in itertools.izip_longest f1 num f2 num sys.exit Error s s s s f1.func_name num f2.func_name..

Python : Get many list from a list [duplicate]


3 'ABCDEFG' 'x' ABC DEF Gxx args iter iterable n return itertools.izip_longest fillvalue fillvalue args Which gives tuple grouper 3 1 2 3 4.. iterable n return tuple tuple n for n in t if n for t in itertools.izip_longest args Which gives tuple my_grouper 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Done...

Creating sublists


also the grouper idiom In 19 import itertools In 20 list itertools.izip_longest iter seq 3 Out 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 None but note that missing..

Pairs from single list


previous last element something that can be achieved with itertools.izip_longest . Finally Note that in Python 3.x zip behaves as itertools.izip..

Multiplying polynomials in python


val Polynomial # add Polynomial res a b for a b in itertools.izip_longest self.coeffs val.coeffs fillvalue 0 else # add scalar if self.coeffs..

python convert list to dictionary [duplicate]
