

python Programming Glossary: ix

How to access pandas groupby dataframe by key


best I can think of is In 13 def gb_df_key gb key orig_df ix gb.indices key return orig_df.ix ix gb_df_key gb 'foo' df Out.. gb_df_key gb key orig_df ix gb.indices key return orig_df.ix ix gb_df_key gb 'foo' df Out 13 A B C 0 foo 1.624345 5 2 foo.. gb key orig_df ix gb.indices key return orig_df.ix ix gb_df_key gb 'foo' df Out 13 A B C 0 foo 1.624345 5 2 foo 0.528172..

pythonic format for indices


s.split ' ' splitter ' ' if ' ' in x or x 0 ' ' else ' ' ix x.split splitter start int ix 0 if ix 0 is not '' else INF if.. ' ' in x or x 0 ' ' else ' ' ix x.split splitter start int ix 0 if ix 0 is not '' else INF if len ix 1 stop start 1 else stop.. or x 0 ' ' else ' ' ix x.split splitter start int ix 0 if ix 0 is not '' else INF if len ix 1 stop start 1 else stop int..

Running Selenium Webdriver with a proxy in Python


self.base_url #gs_rn 17 gs_ri psy ab suggest p cp 6 gs_id ix xhr t q selenium es_nrs true pf p output search sclient psy..

How to update a subset of a MultiIndexed pandas DataFrame


Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation with Python


is None self.wsum np.zeros nnear self.distances self.ix self.tree.query q k nnear eps eps interpol np.zeros len self.distances.. len self.distances np.shape self.z 0 jinterpol 0 for dist ix in zip self.distances self.ix if nnear 1 wz self.z ix elif.. 0 jinterpol 0 for dist ix in zip self.distances self.ix if nnear 1 wz self.z ix elif dist 0 1e 10 wz self.z ix 0..

Python import MySQLdb error - Mac 10.6


How to get different lines for different plots in a single figure?


range 1 num_plots 1 plt.plot x i x 5 i labels.append r' y ix i ' i 5 i # I'm basically just demonstrating several different..

python: convert “5,4,2,4,1,0” into [[5, 4], [2, 4], [1, 0]]


is found xy_pair # this is one of the x y pairs 5 4 for ix c in enumerate num_str if c ' ' xy_pair.append int current_num_str..