

python Programming Glossary: latin1

Python string decoding issue


8 terminal python2.6 test.py utf 8 UTF 8 python2.6 test.py latin1 UTF 8 Traceback most recent call last UnicodeEncodeError 'latin.. sys.argv 1 sys.argv 2 The results python2.6 test.py latin1 strict Traceback most recent call last File test.py line 4 in.. 0 4 ordinal not in range 256 tmp python2.6 test.py latin1 ignore '' tmp python2.6 test.py latin1 replace ' ' tmp python2.6..

SQLite, python, unicode, and non-utf data


friends when it comes to debugging such problems oacute_latin1 xF3 oacute_unicode oacute_latin1.decode 'latin1' oacute_utf8.. such problems oacute_latin1 xF3 oacute_unicode oacute_latin1.decode 'latin1' oacute_utf8 oacute_unicode.encode 'utf8' print.. oacute_latin1 xF3 oacute_unicode oacute_latin1.decode 'latin1' oacute_utf8 oacute_unicode.encode 'utf8' print repr oacute_latin1..

Python UnicodeDecodeError - Am I misunderstanding encode?


four bytes. But there also are some limited encodings like latin1 which include a very limited range of characters mostly used..

Decoding HTML Entities With Python


Python & MySql: Unicode and Encoding


character_set_connection utf8 character_set_database latin1 character_set_filesystem binary character_set_results.. character_set_results utf8 character_set_server latin1 character_set_system utf8 character_sets_dir usr local.. is encoding to the default python system defined charset latin1 . When you connect to your database pass the charset 'utf8'..